Cats Pride Fresh And Clean Litter

All Cats Pride Cat Litter Reviews

Cat’s Pride Fresh & Light Cat Litter | Chewy

This is a listing of all Cats Pride cat litters that have been reviewed, and we also list what we think are the best Cats Pride cat litters with our internal ranking system. Cats Pride is a top-rated American-based company that proudly displays its heritage in that all of their litters are sourced, processed, and produced in North America.

They have over 50 years experience in cat litters and offer a wide variety of products ranging from conventional scoopable and non-scoopable litters typically made of clay. Clay is their specialty and something that they stand behind with great pride. With these various products come a wide range of prices that should fill the needs of any budget. Take a browse through our ratings and we are confident youll find a Cats Pride product that aligns with your needs.

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A Huge Selection Of Products

One thing that you will quickly notice with Cats Pride is their huge selection of cat litter products. They are one of the largest companies that we review in terms of their number of products. Despite being large in number, they do a very good job of spanning various applications and target audiences.

They have categories dedicated to both clumping and non-clumping varieties, litters that are fragrance-free, and some that are injected with artificial perfumes, and products that are intended for single-cat and also multi-cat litter boxes. They uniquely approach each of these products, making sure to optimize their features and performance attributes to that particular audience.

A Foundation Built On Clay

A vast majority of Cats Pride litters are clay-based. We have seen a lot of other companies experiment with a wide variety of materials including various eco-friendly components, but this company has decided to keep things simple and focus on clay.

While some might look at this as them not being willing to branch out, we feel that they think they have a system and a recipe that works and they want to build on that rather than venturing into areas that they may not be as familiar with. It also gives owners and cats who enjoy the many benefits of clay litters a vast array of clay-based products to choose from that still manage to have the individual variables that make them special

Also, despite using clay, Cats Pride has a nice variety of lightweight options, that promise to have the many benefits of clay while being significantly lighter than much of its competition. This is a huge selling point since lugging heavy boxes and bags of clay cat litter around can be quite the workout.

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What Makes This Cat Litter Unique

This product is unique in that it tries to meet the difficult requirements that fall on a busy litter box, all the while doing so with a product that smells nice, uses no perfumes or dyes, and is lighter in weight than a majority of conventional clay litters. Beyond this, it tries to minimize dust and tracking and still be affordable to most people.

Cats Pride Fresh & Light Ultimate Care Premium Unscented Hypoallergenic Multi


This is one of a handful of litters on the market that can call themselves hypoallergenic. Its a completely dust free formula that will ensure that even the most sensitive nostrils wont have issues when interacting with it. Additionally, there are no nasty chemical dyes in the product either further making it suitable for the sensitive among us.

Its a clay litter thats got a strong clumping action, youll be able to get rid of around 140 clumps in about 30 to 35 days. Its a super low tracking product thats going to keep your home clean because its quite a heavy litter. Its not made with any lightweight fillers or other cheap stuff, so the litter stays where its supposed to in the tray.

The clumps are as strong and stable as any of the other products on this page, and we doubt youll find a reason to complain about them. They form pretty quickly, they lock smells away well, and theyre not going to break apart when youre cleaning out the tray either.

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Who This Cat Litter Is Intended For

This litter is intended for those who prefer to go with a conventional clay-based product that does not have clumping abilities but still can handle cat odors without major issues. It is also targeted at single-cat households or homes that have multiple litter boxes for multiple cats. Finally, it is designed with costs in mind and is targeted towards people who are trying to keep to a tight budget when it comes to cat products but dont want to take shortcuts on quality.

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Is Cats Pride Cat Litter Good For Multiple Cats

Yup, it sure is youve just got to pick the right product.

Many of Cats Prides litters are suited to households that have multiple cats but a few of them arent. Heres 3 that we recommend you check out:

  • Cats Pride Fresh & Light Quick Action Scented Multi-Cat Scoopable Cat Litter
  • Cats Pride Fresh & Light Ultimate Care Premium Unscented Hypoallergenic Multi-Cat Litter
  • Cats Pride Premium Complete Multi-Cat Scoopable Cat Litter

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Cats Pride Cat Litter Reviews

So now we know a little bit about some of the most popular Cats Pride products on the market. In this section, were going to take a look at what real life customers think about their products. Weve scoured the internet high and low to find these reviews, and below are some common trends we found.

Price Obviously one of the most attractive things about Cats Pride for many people is the super low price point their products are sold at. There are quite honestly better litters out there on the market, but youre going to have pay for them. Most of Cats Prides products manage to hit the sweet spot of affordability and quality and their customers seem very happy about it.

Tracking We didnt see any negative reviews about tracking, but we did see a handful of positive ones. Most people generally dont talk about tracking that much in their reviews of cat litter unless they are unhappy so were inclined to say that the low tracking claims Cats Pride put on their products are likely to be true.

Scent Weve already talked about how the scent of a product can be a bit of an issue, especially down this side of the pricing spectrum. However, considering the highly opinionated nature of peoples thoughts on cat litter scents they generally seem to be positive in this case. The scent is perhaps helped by the odor eliminating properties of their products, but either way people seem to be happy.

Cats Pride Premium Complete Multi

Cat’s Pride® Cat Litter – Litter for Good® Charlene

This litter has a triple action strength control system that has been specifically designed to attack odors in multiple ways. It has got multiple layers of odor elimination technology that destroys the bacteria that create the smell, neutralizes the smelly particulate, and keeps it locked away until you clean the tray. Despite it being quite a powerful system thats got a huge amount of smell stopping power, its a gentle formula thatll ensure your kitty doesnt get harmed by it.

Its a litter thats got cleanliness at the forefront of its design, and despite being made from clay its a super low dust formula. This means youre going to have a cleaner space around your litter tray, and it means that any sensitive cats or people in the home with allergies arent going to have a bad time

Despite the amount of technology that has gone into making this product a super fresh smelling litter, its incredibly good value for money. It comes in a jug too like many of Cats Prides products, which is much easier to pour than scooping litter out of a bag or a tub.

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How Much Does Cats Pride Cat Litter Cost

As a brand, Cats Pride litter is highly affordable and always has been. All three of the formulas reviewed here are priced under $0.75/pound, one of which is under $0.25/pound. Not only does Cats Pride keep their products affordable, but they donate a pound of cat litter to shelters around the country for each green jug of cat litter they sell.

Cats Pride Cat Litter Fresh & Light Multi Ultimate Care Unscented Jug

Unscented Complete Care Multi-Cat Clumping Litter

Contains: Note: Please wash hands thoroughly after handling used cat litter. we want to remind pregnant women and those with suppressed immune systems that a parasite found in cat feces can sometimes transmit a disease called toxoplasmosis. For further information, contact your physician. Some settling may occur during shipment. Manufactured in a facility that also produces scented products.

Directions: 1. Pour to a depth of 3-4 inches. 2. Remove solids daily and dispose In trash, add more litter as needed to maintain a depth of 3-4 inches. 3. At least once a month, clean the litter box with mild detergent and warm water between litter changes. This is not a flushable product. Dispose of icon In trash and not in toilets, gutters or drains.

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Cats Pride Premium Fresh & Clean Clay Cat Litter

This is a scented litter, which as you may know from reading our other reviews is something were always wary of. With lower quality scented litter its possible for the product to actually make the problem of smelly cat pee worse rather than better.

Cat pee on its own is bad enough, but when you mix it with a weak and cheap air freshener smell its a problem.

However, this is one of the better products on the market when it comes to scented litters. Were still not convinced about the concept as a whole, but if youre a scented litter kind of person this is a product you should be considering.

Its a clay litter that has been infused with several natural sponge-like minerals that helps destroy any smells before they become a problem. This is part of what makes the scent we just mentioned so effective it has less hard work to do.

Its a medium grain and a medium weight product, which means its already going to be pretty low tracking, but it has also had additional tweaks to make it one of the lowest tracking litters on the market. Again like most of Cats Pride products, its exceptional value for money and the jug it comes in makes replenishing litter a much easier task.

Nice Variety Of Package Sizes


Lets face it: clay litters can be quite heavy. Thankfully, Cats Pride offers a nice variety of bag and box sizes, ranging from bags that weigh less than 10 pounds up to boxes that weigh 30 pounds.

This is helpful for owners who may struggle to carry heavy objects and/or only have a single cat while still meeting the demands and needs of someone who wants to buy larger quantities to take care of their multi-cat household.

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Overall Is Cats Pride Cat Litter A Good Choice

We are happy to report that Cats Pride is a good choice in cat litter if youre looking for an affordable option for multi-cat households.

This brand offers a wide variety of products, both scented and unscented, that promise long-lasting odor control. Their litter also forms tight, hard clumps which makes scooping the box easy and reduces litter box waste.

All of Cats Pride litter is made from premium-quality, USA-sourced materials. Clay litter offers excellent absorbency and forms tight, hard clumps, but it can be a little dusty.

Though Cats Pride markets its formulas as 99% dust-free, we did notice some dust when pouring the litter particularly with the non-clumping formula, so be mindful of that.

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Cats Pride Premium Fresh & Light Fragrance

This is one of the more expensive products that Cats Pride produces, but its arguably also one of their best it has certainly got the most reviews.

The litter has odor trapping properties that help eliminate the amount of smell that can potentially make its way into your nostrils. The clay it is made from is super dehydrated, which means its craving all the moisture it can get. The clumps form in this product super quickly, and they dry to become extremely hard. This makes scooping and cleaning used bits of litter a super simple task and while its still not fun, its certainly easy.

This litter is a super low dust product thats 99% dust free. On its own, this would make it good enough for households with allergies or sensitive kitties. However, its also completely free of artificial perfumes or dyes. Its a lightweight product, which makes it great underneath the paws of your kitty and means its a good option for multi-cat households too.

However, the downside of this lightweight product is that its prone to tracking slightly more than some heavier products. This isnt a problem specific to this product, all lightweight litters are pretty bad for tracking. However, as far as lightweight litters go this is one of the better ones.

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Cats Pride Lightweight Multi

  • Hypoallergenic kitty litter gentle enough even for sensitive cats
  • Unscented multi-cat litter with odor control technology. Gentle on your cat, tough on odors
  • Guaranteed to trap odors for 10+ days when used as directed
  • Lightweight, same uses as heavy 20 lb. containersâhalf the weight!
  • Powered with baking soda for maximum freshness

What Do Customers Think Of Cats Pride Cat Litter

Cats Pride® Flushable Litter

Because Cats Pride has been around for so long, there are a significant number of reviews out there. For the most part, these cat litters receive positive ratings, and customers absolutely love the price.

Every brand has its shortcomings, however, and there are both good and bad reviews for the Cats Pride brand online. Keep reading to see a positive and negative customer review for each of the three cat litter formulas featured above:

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What Kinds Of Litter Does The Brand Offer

After hitting the pet product market in 1960, the Cats Pride brand has developed and sold a wide variety of products. Today, Cats Pride offers just over a dozen cat litter products in addition to various accessories like litter box liners and disposable trays. Each of the brands products is made from premium-quality materials sourced right here in the USA.

Cats Pride offers both clumping and non-clumping formulas, all of which are made from natural clay materials. There are currently three non-clumping formulas Fresh & Clean, Complete Multi-Cat, and Natural. The remaining clumping cat litters are sold in jugs and come in regular, lightweight, scented, and unscented formulas. Several formulas include baking soda for additional odor control, and some recipes are flushable.

The three formulas were reviewing here include two clumping formulas from the green jug Litter for Good line and one original non-clumping formula.

Max Power Lightweight Litter

Cats Prides Max Power formula combines powerful clumping and odor control in a lightweight formula designed to lighten your load. It goes to work immediately, trapping odor and keeping it under wraps for up to 10 daysand it forms tight, no-mess clumps for easy scooping and disposal. Its also 25% lighter than traditional scoopable litters.

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Positive Customer Reviews For Cats Pride Cat Litter

We have four cats but only room for two litter boxes. Our litter boxes require a lot of maintenance, and even with daily scooping they can get very stinky. Most multicat litters use heavy perfumes, but the humans and cats in our household are allergic to the scent. I tried Cats Pride because it is unscented, and I was amazed at how well it controls odor.

Its absolutely far and away the best litter for odor control that weve ever used. It also clumps well and is easy to scoop. The reason Im giving it four stars instead of five is that the litter spills out of the boxes easily, so we need to sweep our floors several times a day, but that is a tradeoff we are more than willing to make to keep the house odor-free.Lilili, reviewing Cats Pride Premium Fresh & Light Fragrance-Free Multi-Cat Scoopable Cat Litter

This stuff is fabulous! I have five indoor cats and have four litter pans. Thats a mountain of kitty litter each month. Cats Pride clay litter is just as effective as the high dollar fancy litter but is gentler on my budget. It clumps, it has very little dust and absorbs odors all without the high price. Which means Im able to afford to buy my cats goodies with the money I saved. Im telling everyone about this litter!Tejas, reviewing Cats Pride Lightweight Quick Action Fresh Scent Multi-Cat Clumping Cat Litter

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Cats Pride Cat Litter Coupons


Cats Pride doesnt release coupon codes for their products, or at least if they do we cant find any of them. This isnt unusual, there are not many brands that will directly provide a coupon for their litter online.

However, theres no need to panic!

Weve found a coupon code that you can use at which provides you with 30% off all kinds of things, including Cats Pride cat litter. Were unsure when the promotion is going to end, so we recommend ordering quickly by using the promotional link below.

30% Off + Free Shipping

on Cats Pride Cat Litter

How To Redeem This Offer

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Cat Food Similar To Fancy Feast

Lifestage Of Your Cat

BLUE Healthy Gourmet vs Purina Fancy Feast® | Blue Buffalo Cat Food

Cats at different life stages will have different nutritional needs. For instance, fast-growing young kittens will need to consume more protein and fat in their diet than an adult cat will. Elderly cats will need less protein but simultaneously require a diet with high-quality protein.

When buying wet or dry cat food, you should always consider what stage of development your cat is at. Getting the right food for your cats stage of life is essential to maintaining good health.

Invest In A Water Fountain To Encourage Your Cat To Drink More

Cats who eat dry food drink more water than those who eat a high-moisture diet, but that doesnt mean that theyre better hydrated. In fact, one study found that cats who ate wet food took in more water despite not drinking anything at all.

Even dry-fed cats may be hesitant to drink from a bowl. Cats instinctively avoid still, potentially stagnant water. A water fountain appeals to your cats preference for well-aerated moving water.

Cat Food Similar To Fancy Feast Dry Cat Food

Rachael Ray Nutrish offers comparable dry cat food recipes at an average cost of $1.98 per pound. On average, Rachael Ray Nutrish dry cat food is 21.48% cheaper than Fancy Feast.

Considering all dry cat foods manufactured by Rachael Ray Nutrish, we’ve computed an average of 1 harmful ingredients and 2 controversial ingredients. Although the optimal average number of harmful and controversial ingredients is zero, these values are still lower than those computed for Fancy Feast .

If you’d like to read a detailed comparison and see an overview of all harmful and controversial ingredients, .

Fancy Feast

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Does Fancy Feast Have Carrageenan

One Fancy Feast product contained carrageenan which is Fancy Feast Flaked Chicken & Tuna Feast. There is no carrageenan in the other Fancy Feast products. This may change in the future with ingredient changes.

Carrageenan is a seaweed based thickener. In its degraded from, it can cause inflammation in the digestive system.

Its even used in research to test models of inflammation. The amount of degraded carrageenan in added carrageenan is hard to know.

If your cat has a sensitive stomach, it may be best to steer clear of added carrageenan.

Learn More:

Wellness Complete Health Canned Cat Food Is Our Top Pick

FANCY FEAST Gourmet Savory Chicken & Turkey Dry Cat Food, 12

Nandini Balial is a writer and fact checker specializing in a variety of lifestyle topics, including film/TV, literature, and feminism, with work appearing in Slate, Wired, Pacific Standard, and more prestigious outlets.

We independently research, test, review, and recommend the bestproductslearn more about our process. If you buy something through our links, we may earn a commission.

The Spruce Pets / Peter Ardito

Our top pick, Wellness Complete Health Turkey & Salmon Formula Grain-Free Canned Cat Food, is made with whole ingredients in addition to antioxidants and vitamins for a balanced diet. If you’re hoping to feed your cat a natural canned food, check out Weruva BFF OMG Rainbow Á Gogo Variety Pack Wet Cat Food Pouches.

While cats do enjoy a varied selection of food and should be fed both dry and wet foods, canned cat food has the advantage of a high water content, which helps to keep your kitty hydrated.

Read on for the best canned cat foods.

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Best Wet Cat Food Formulas Of 2022

All featured products are chosen at the discretion of the author. However, Great Pet Care may make a small affiliate commission if you click through and make a purchase.

When you bring a new cat home, one of the first decisions you have to make as a new pet parent is what type of cat food to feed your feline. And while there are hundreds of foods and cat food brands on the market, most cat owners will choose between two types of formulationswet cat food and dry cat food.

While there are benefits and drawbacks to both, wet cat food can offer a variety of benefits to our feline friends. In general, wet food tends to be higher in fat and protein and lower in carbohydrates compared to dry food, says Dr. Ericka Carroll, a San Francisco-based veterinarian who works for Hello Ralphie, a telehealth platform. Wet food also has significantly high moisture content compared to dry food.

Finding the best wet cat food for your four-legged companion will come down to your cats individual needs and preferences. But this guide will provide information about what to look for and consider when shopping for wet cat food and which brands and formulas you should consider for optimum nutrition.

Is Fancy Feast Dry Food Good For Cats

In our opinion, Fancy Feast dry foods are not good for cats because it contains a lot of bad ingredients, including meat by-products, fillers, corn, gluten, soybean meal, and artificial flavors.

Sure, eating fancy feast is relatively affordable. But it’s important to remember that if a kitty doesn’t get the right nutrients she needs or is exposed to foods that could trigger allergies, food sensitivities, and other health problems, then as a pet parent you may end up spending more in vet bills.

The Gourmet Natural variety is much better than the non-natural variant, but it still contains some grain ingredients. However, its not all bad for the brands dry foods. Each of these contains enough vitamins and minerals to provide your cats daily needs for an active and healthy lifestyle. Theyre also quite cheap, so a little goes a long way.

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Is Fancy Feast Wet Canned Food Good For Cats

Perhaps the main strike against these Fancy Feast products is that they only contain plenty of undesirable ingredients. Things like wheat, corn, soy, and meat by-products may trigger food sensitivities in kitties. But all of them also offer complete nutrition in the form of added vitamins and minerals.

If your cat doesnt do well with all of these undesirable ingredients, then its best to stay away from these canned wet foods from Fancy Feast. But if your cat is only allergic to only one of those ingredients here, just check the labels carefully and your feline should do well with his Fancy Feast diet.

Tips For Testing Out A New Wet Cat Food

Fancy Feast Cat Food Review

If you are trying a new cat food on your furry little gourmand, be patient. Its a good idea to do it slowly, first mixing a small quantity of the new food in with the old, then upping the proportion of new food every day or two. While your cat is adjusting, keep an eye on not just what theyre eating and their enthusiasm but how their stomach is handling it. In other words, watch for vomiting or diarrhea.

If your cat repeatedly turns their nose up at the new food, accept that you may have to back down or try another brand or formulation. A stubborn cat can refuse to eat altogether, which puts them a risk for hepatic lipidosis, a serious health condition.

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Why Is My Cat Not Eating Their Wet Food

Cats are very picky creatures the smallest thing can cause them not to eat. They are very particular, and they have specific likes and dislikes. As a result, your cat may have some personal preferences that are not being met, which is causing them to protest eating. If this is happening to you, dont feel like a bad pet parent! Some reasons your cat may have stopped eating:

  • You moved the litter box too close to their eating area would you want to eat where you go?
  • Your cat doesnt like a certain flavor of food
  • Your cat is bored of the same flavor of food
  • Your cat is mad at you maybe you left them alone for too long or scolded them

If your cat continues to do nothing but just pick at their food for close to a week, then this may be a sign of an underlying illness and you will want to talk with your vet.

Fancy Feast Wet Cat Food

Nourish your cat companion with a culinary-inspired meal by Purina Fancy Feast. Every entree is 100% complete and balanced for adult cats and crafted with real poultry or seafood to satisfy your kittyâs cravings. While she enjoys the irresistible flavor, aroma and tender texture, youâll love knowing that sheâs getting the vitamins and minerals she needs to support her nose-to-tail well-being.

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Dog Food Similar To Natural Balance

For dogs with allergies, limited ingredient dog foods can be a lifesaver. Limited ingredient dog foods are exactly what they sound like dog foods made with very few ingredients. Because they contain few ingredients, there is less of a chance that dogs with allergies will react to them.

However, even if your dog doesnt have allergies, they may benefit from a limited ingredient dog food. For example, some dogs experience gastrointestinal symptoms when given certain ingredients, even if they arent genuinely allergic to them. A limited ingredient dog food can be great for these canines too.

Not all limited ingredient dog foods are made equal, though. For this reason, we reviewed some of the best limited ingredient dog food on the market. Youll find out the reviews below.

Look For Food With Protein Listed First

Save on Fancy Feast Savory Center Wet Cat Food Pate with Chicken Order ...

Did you know that cats are obligate carnivores? They need to eat meat or fish to get the nutrients essential to their functioning. With this in mind, it is best to choose a cat food that has a protein listed at the top of the ingredients. Animal by-products can come from both meat and fish, and both have benefits for your cat. It is not recommended to put a cat on a vegetarian or vegan diet. Cats need a diet high in protein and low in carbs, and a carnivorous diet provides them with this.

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What Kinds Of Cat Food Does Fancy Feast Offer

The type of cat foods offered by Fancy Feast include varieties of wet food, dry cat food, and food toppers/complements. The total recipe count tops 100 and includes a variety of textures as well as tastes, including morsels in broths, and patés.

Here’s a bit more information about the three Fancy Feast main categories:

Wet Cat Food:

  • The Gourmet line: this is where it all beganthe original Fancy Feast line! It includes morsels inside, regular and chunky paté, milk-infused meals, and more.
  • Gourmet Naturals: similar in texture and flavor to the original line, Gourmet Naturals are free of artificial ingredients, colorings, and flavors.
  • Purely Fancy Feast Natural: these canned food meals are free of animal by-products and fillers and feature real meat like chicken, beef, and seafood.

Dry Cat Food

  • Gourmet Dry Cat Food: the original line of Fancy Feast dry food.
  • Gourmet Naturals Dry Cat Food: the other type of dry food made by Fancy Feast, and like the Naturals wet food it is free of artificial colors, ingredients, and preservatives.

Food Toppers and Complements

  • Purely Fancy Feast Filets: tasty add-ons made with real chicken or seafood.
  • Gourmet Broths and Fancy Feast Appetizers: both of these Fancy Feast varieties feature broth chicken and seafood morsels contained in broth.

How Much Food Should I Feed My Cat

This is a difficult question to answer because the amount of food a cat needs to function varies significantly from cat to cat. However, there are some basic guidelines you should follow.

  • Twice a Day

Its important to feed your cat twice a day, and it is important to feed them at the same time each day. Cats like a schedule and really dislike being off schedule. If you want to keep Felix happy then you will be sure to stick to the schedule. Additionally, feeding your cat twice a day is good for their digestive health. Like humans, cats do better when they get more than one meal per day. Even if your cat likes to graze, it is important to refresh their bowl twice a day to stick with a schedule.

  • Portion Control

One of the top health issues cats face is obesity, particularly indoor cats with their lower activity level. So it is important to implement portion control. For example, some cats will always eat all the food that is available to them, it is part of their nature after all! To avoid this, you want to make sure that you institute strict portion control for your cat.

But how much is too much, and how little is too little? This depends on many factors such as your cats age, their current weight, how active they are, and if they are pregnant or nursing. Lets use an average non-pregnant cat as an example:

  • Weight: 10 pounds
  • Activity Level: Average
  • Calories Needed: 200-300

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The Best Wet Cat Food

This recipe is more than 90% poultry protein and 5% vegetables and fruit. While Instinct is known for its raw foods, this canned food is cooked and packed in broth.

Instinct Original Grain-Free Pâté

Purinas Pro Plan cat foods are at least 40% protein. This turkey and chicken recipe contains 57% protein, 37% fat, and 6% carbohydratesa great diet for most cats.

Purina Pro Plan True Nature Turkey & Chicken Entrée

This high-protein poultry recipe is a great diet for most adult cats.

The Disadvantages Of Wet Cat Food

Try Fancy Feast Savory Centers Pate Wet Cat Food – Fancy Feast

As much as we can all agree that wet cat food is a better choice to dry, there are some disadvantages to feeding wet cat food that we cannot deny.

The soft texture does not give the teeth any resistance and does not help in teeth cleaning. As a result, cats fed on only wet food usually develop Periodontal Disease and have bad breath. Over time they may even lose teeth or need veterinary dental care.

Even the best wet cat food for indoor cats can still have a very strong odor, that coupled with the cat being a messy eater, can leave the entire house smelling like salmon or tuna. It is very easy for cats fed on wet food to make a mess around the house.

Unlike dry cat food that you can leave out for the day so the cat can take a little bit at a time, you will need to have a feeding schedule in place when feeding your cat with wet food.

A cat is more likely to attempt eating the entire days serving in one sitting if left out. As a result, owners who feed wet cat food will have to divide the days ration into multiple small servings. This can be very time-consuming.

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How To Choose The Best Cat Food For My Indoor Cat

Indoor cats have different nutrition needs than cats that spend most of their time outside. Outdoor cats expend a great deal of energy hunting and prowling about their territory, while indoor cats, except for the occasional midnight zoomy episodes, spend their time napping. What is important to look for when choosing food for indoor cats? We have the answers here.

Fancy Feast Chunky Chicken Feast Canned Cat Food 3

Rated 4.5395 out of 5 stars Filled star Rated 4.5841 out of 5 stars Filled star Rated 4.4562 out of 5 stars Filled star Rated 4.6646 out of 5 stars Filled star Rated 4.4395 out of 5 stars Filled star
Chicken Broth, Chicken, Meat By-Products Meat By-Products, Chicken, Meat Broth Turkey, Liver, Meat By-Products
  • Tasty wet food recipe features real meat for the high-protein nutrition your little carnivore craves.
  • Enhanced with vitamins and minerals for overall well-being, and essential taurine for heart and vision health.
  • Provides a 100% complete and balanced meal for all cats, on its own or as a delicious kibble topper.
  • Supports urinary health and keeps your pal hydrated with moisture from real broth in every bite.

Turn mealtime into a feast with the Fancy Feast Chunky Chicken Feast Canned Cat Food. Give me meow yummy, your kitty says. So fill his bowl with whisker-licking chicken, and pretty much everything he needs to stay looking and feeling his best, like protein, antioxidants and healthy omegas. Plus, the formula is enhanced with vitamins, minerals and essential taurine for nose-to-tail well-being in every bite. Since its made with real broth, it also provides moisture to keep your pal hydrated and support urinary health. So open up the easy pull tab and get ready for all those satisfied kitty smooches.


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Cat And Dog Spay And Neuter Clinic

Why Should I Care About Spaying Or Neutering My Pets

Spay/Neuter Surgery: Incision Placement

Every year, thousands of animals are born into short lives of suffering and death in Albuquerque because people did not spay or neuter their pets. There are simply not enough homes for the dogs and cats that are born because of this type of neglect.

Spaying and neutering provide health benefits in addition to preventing litters. Spaying helps prevent uterine infection and breast cancer, which is fatal in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent of cats. Neutering can prevent testicular cancer if done before 6 months of age. Neutering also reduces roaming, and nuisances such as foul odors in spraying by cats. It can reduce aggressiveness and fighting among both dogs and cats.

Under most circumstances, it is against the law in Albuquerque to own a dog or cat unless you have it spayed or neutered. There are programs that can provide the services at no charge for low-income and moderate-income residents. There also are programs that will help you arrange for the free spay and neuter of the street cats in your neighborhood, to help control the cat population while providing humane treatment of the animals.

Euthanasia In Wichita: Almost Three Times The National Average

Did you know that the euthanasia rate in Sedgwick County is almost 3 times the national average? For every thousand people in Wichita, 35.1 potential pets have to be put to sleep the national average is 12.5 animals per thousand. Theres a figure that should make you toss and turn in your bed.

In 2007, Wichita Animal Shelter and the Kansas Humane Society took in 24,882 dogs, cats, kittens and puppies 16,511 were euthanized. Animals reproduce so quickly that there just arent enough loving homes available. The only real way to reduce this figure is to reduce unwanted pet births.

Edmonton Spay And Neuter Clinic Providing Dog And Cat Spay And Neuter Services

We offer spay and neuter operations for companion animals. Our veterinary clinic features a state-of-the-art surgical suite with latest digital monitoring including blood pressure monitoring, pulse oximetry and EKG. This aids in the precise monitoring of anaesthetic for your pet to ensure the safety of procedure. We follow strict pain protocols to ensure the comfort and safety of your pet during an operation. Our veterinarian recognizes that even routine procedures such as spaying or neutering can cause both pets and their owners anxiety. We do our best to help pets relax, and carefully monitor their vital signs during their surgery and hospital stay.

Prior to administering anaesthesia, our veterinarian conducts a physical examination in your presence to ensure there are no potential health complications. If needed they might recommend a pre-surgical blood test to ensure the health of organ systems functions .Following the surgery, we keep your pet for a short time to monitor his recovery. Once we are confident that your pet is ready to return home, we will contact you. We send every pet home with a full list of at-home care instructions. We are also available at any time to answer questions about a surgical procedure or the care that follows.

Schedule your appointment today by calling 780-756-6062

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Cat Spay Clinic In Pompano Beach

In Pompano Beach, FL whether you have recently adopted a pet or you are considering doing so, one of the most important health decisions youll make is to spay or neuter your cat. If you want to spay or neuter your cat, you can find low-cost spay/neuter services at Pet Smile Vet by certified and Experienced Veterinaries. Spaying and neutering your cat reduces the risk of certain reproductive cancers and diseases for both males and females. Spayed or Neutered Pets also generally live longer lives as a result of these health and safety benefits. Your pet will be happier, and so will you.

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Cost To Spay A Dog & Dog Neutering Cost

Spay Neuter Cat & Dog at The Clinique Vétérinaire des petits animaux

Low Prices Guaranteed

Spaying a dog weight breakdowns:

Under 18kg is $119.27

38-45kg is $167.63

Over 45kg is $3.80 per kg

Pain medication is dosed by weight and generally ranges from $15.00 $32.00. Oral pain medication to go home ranges from $12.00 $25.00 for medications to go home after surgery. These medications are dosed by weight and will be priced out at the time of surgery when we have weighed your pet.

Premium packages are offered starting at $65.75 to $95.10 and they both include ECG monitoring, identification , the pain injection that is given in clinic and the pain medication to go home.

Pain medication is mandatory with all dog & cat surgeries.

When booking a canine spay, it must be a minimum of 2 months since the pets last heat, but preferably 3 if possible. If your pet has yet to go through a heat cycle but they are of age to go forward with the spay procedure, you are welcome to call and book in.

*With dogs that are overweight, mature, have gone through several heats or have had litters in the past, there may be a surcharge of $59.86-$89.80 added to their bill to account for extra surgical time.

If your dog is over the age of 7 years old, please call to get an accurate quote on a mature dog spay or neuter.

Cone collars for all spays and neuters are required and are priced depending on size prices start at $7.43 to $40.54.

These prices do not include taxes.

For more information or a more accurate quote, please contact us at: or call 604-534-4813

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What If My Pet Just Had Babies

Dakin offers Moms Fixed Free! If you bring the entire litter to us, we will spay your mother animal for free. We will find new homes for all of the babies . Call our Adoption Center at 413-781-4000 or contact us by email for more information about Moms Fixed Free!

Female cats may become pregnant again while they are still nursing kittens. If you are 100% sure that you can keep her indoors only AND away from all intact males , wait until her kittens have stopped nursing for 2 weeks before bringing mom in for surgery. If there is any chance that she may be around intact male cats, or if she may go outdoors, then we should spay mom when her kittens are 6 weeks of age. There is no extra charge if she is still nursing kittens.

A female dog may be spayed 12 weeks after she has her puppies. She will not become pregnant again in this time. We will decline to do surgery on a dog who still has milk present well reschedule her surgery for a later date.

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Spaying A Cat & Neutering A Cat

What You Need To Know

Once your kitten reaches 6 months of age, spaying and/or neutering should be considered. Spaying and neutering are important tasks to help reduce the number of homeless cats that are killed in animal shelters. Spayed animals live longer lives and reduce their risks for certain cancers. Spaying improves your pets health by reducing the urge to roam, fight with other cats and animals, and incur injuries.

Cat pain medications are dosed by weight and can cost between $25.00-$31.00.Premium packages start at $58.68 up to $81.04. These packages include ECG monitoring, identification , the pain injection that is given in clinic as well as the pain medications to go home.

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Pet Smile Vet Is A Leading Spay And Neuter Clinic In Glendora That Provides Spay/neuter And Preventive Care Services To Improve Pets Lives As Spaying And Neutering Are Especially Vital For Their Lifelong Health

At Pet Smile Vet we have a mission to ensure every pet owner has access to spay/neuter services and preventive care for their pets. Our Spay neuter clinics across Glendora, CA are certified and licensed with trained veterinarians and veterinary technicians. All of the services we offer are preventive and will keep your pets healthy. When you call or visit a Spay Neuter Network Clinic, one of our caring veterinary technicians will walk you through our services to assist you in deciding what your pet needs. Pet Smile Vet offers low-cost, high-quality Spay/Neuter Surgery for cats and dogs exclusively in Glendora, CA.

Dog Neutering Clinic In Williamstown

Spay/Neuter Post-Op Care Video

Ensuring your dog is spayed or neutered is very important to your dog’s health and well-being. Spaying and neutering cut down on overpopulation which results in many dogs ending up in shelters or as strays. Health risks, as well as behavior problems, are drastically reduced when dogs get your dog fixed. Spaying before estrus will significantly decrease the risk of mammary and Reproductive Diseases. Also reducing the natural urges of intact animals decreases their frustration and statistically reduces their risk of being hit by a car. Dog Neutering Services at Pet Smile Vet are exemplary as it will fix and reduce the risk of many health and behavioral problems.

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Cat Spay Clinic In Mantua

In Mantua, NJ whether you have recently adopted a pet or you are considering doing so, one of the most important health decisions you’ll make is to spay or neuter your cat. If you want to spay or neuter your cat, you can find low-cost spay/neuter services at Pet Smile Vet by certified and Experienced Veterinaries. Spaying and neutering your cat reduces the risk of certain reproductive cancers and diseases for both males and females. Spayed or Neutered Pets also generally live longer lives as a result of these health and safety benefits. Your pet will be happier, and so will you.

What Would Prove Low

  • Award letter for an EBT card issued by the State of New Mexico for Food Stamps, OR
  • Either the annual letter regarding benefits or the monthly benefit card for Supplemental Security Income , OR
  • Award letter for an EBT card issued by the State of New Mexico for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, OR
  • Award letter for a Medicaid health benefit card, OR
  • Current income taxes
  • Current check stubs
  • Signing and submitting an affidavit swearing that your income is within the figures listed on the table above for Low Income

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Have Your Pet Spayed Or Neutered

Healthier Animals

We know you love your pet and want the absolute best for it. Did you know that apart from controlling the animal population, spaying or neutering has health and behavioral benefits?

For males, Neutering

  • Stops territorial behaviors like urine marking
  • Makes it less likely to bite
  • Lowers its risk for testicular cancer
  • DOES NOT affect its instinct to guard your family and property

For females, Spaying

  • Stops it from going into heat
  • Reduces mating behaviors such as yowling, frequent urination and bloody discharge
  • Reduces its risk for breast cancer
  • Reduces its risk for uterine infections

Dog Neutering Clinic In Pompano Beach

Dog And Cat Spay Neuter Clinic Sherman Oaks

Ensuring your dog is spayed or neutered is very important to your dogs health and well-being. Spaying and neutering cut down on overpopulation which results in many dogs ending up in shelters or as strays. Health risks, as well as behavior problems, are drastically reduced when dogs get your dog fixed. Spaying before estrus will significantly decrease the risk of mammary and Reproductive Diseases. Also reducing the natural urges of intact animals decreases their frustration and statistically reduces their risk of being hit by a car. Dog Neutering Services at Pet Smile Vet are exemplary as it will fix and reduce the risk of many health and behavioral problems.

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Do I Need To Bring My Animals Medical Records With Me To The Appointment

Its always a good idea to bring prior medical records to any veterinary appointment. However, we do not require records for surgery unless there is a specific previous medical condition for which we would need to see them. Please note that invoices or receipts are not medical records. In most cases, however, the only required paperwork is our check-in form, which can be filled out digitally upon arrival to your appointment.

Which Other Organizations Provide Spay And Neutering Services

Animal Humane New Mexico


  • Spay or neuter services are offered to qualified low-income clients by appointment only.
  • Costs for cats are $50 for males and $55 for females.Costs for dogs are $75 to $140 based on weight and gender.* If a pet is pregnant, in heat, or encounters unforeseen complications, the cost of surgery will be more.
  • Proof of income and a picture ID are required at pre-surgical exam
  • All sources of income must be provided for every member of the household.
  • Payment is due at time of drop off.
  • Please withhold food from your pet after 10 pm the night before surgery leave water available all night.

Street Cat Hub

Offers help with trapping and surgeries for unowned street cats

For Bernalillo County residents:

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Spay And Neuter Specialists

Langley Animal Clinic

Spaying a dog or cat and neutering a dog or cat is an important part of pet population control but that it also benefits you and your pet by:

  • Lowering the incidence of mammary, prostatic, or testicular cancers in your pet

As with all surgeries at Langley Animal Clinic, our strategy is to provide top quality care. Our number one priority is your pets well-being, so we focus on safe anesthesia, proficient surgeons, and effective pain control.

Dog Neutering Clinic In Odessa

Spay/Neuter Patient Care: Anesthesia – Feline

Ensuring your dog is spayed or neutered is very important to your dogs health and well-being. Spaying and neutering cut down on overpopulation which results in many dogs ending up in shelters or as strays. Health risks, as well as behavior problems, are drastically reduced when dogs get your dog fixed. Spaying before estrus will significantly decrease the risk of mammary and Reproductive Diseases. Also reducing the natural urges of intact animals decreases their frustration and statistically reduces their risk of being hit by a car. Dog Neutering Services at Pet Smile Vet are exemplary as it will fix and reduce the risk of many health and behavioral problems.

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Pet Smile Vet Is A Leading Spay And Neuter Clinic In Salinas That Provides Spay/neuter And Preventive Care Services To Improve Pets Lives As Spaying And Neutering Are Especially Vital For Their Lifelong Health

At Pet Smile Vet we have a mission to ensure every pet owner has access to spay/neuter services and preventive care for their pets. Our Spay neuter clinics across Salinas, CA are certified and licensed with trained veterinarians and veterinary technicians. All of the services we offer are preventive and will keep your pets healthy. When you call or visit a Spay Neuter Network Clinic, one of our caring veterinary technicians will walk you through our services to assist you in deciding what your pet needs. Pet Smile Vet offers low-cost, high-quality Spay/Neuter Surgery for cats and dogs exclusively in Salinas, CA.

Cat Spay Clinic In Salinas

In Salinas, CA whether you have recently adopted a pet or you are considering doing so, one of the most important health decisions you’ll make is to spay or neuter your cat. If you want to spay or neuter your cat, you can find low-cost spay/neuter services at Pet Smile Vet by certified and Experienced Veterinaries. Spaying and neutering your cat reduces the risk of certain reproductive cancers and diseases for both males and females. Spayed or Neutered Pets also generally live longer lives as a result of these health and safety benefits. Your pet will be happier, and so will you.

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Benefits Of Neutering Your Male Pet

Besides preventing unwanted litters, neutering your male pet prevents testicular cancer. An unneutered male will do just about anything to find a partner! That includes jumping the fence, digging his way under the fence, scratching the bolts anything to escape from the house. And once hes out roaming, he risks injury in traffic and fights with other males. Moreover, unneutered dogs may have this habit of mark their territory by spraying urine all over the house. Once your male is neutered, his attention will be focused more on his human family, and his aggression problems will be solved, too.

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Pet Smile Vet Is A Leading Spay And Neuter Clinic In Atwood That Provides Spay/neuter And Preventive Care Services To Improve Pets Lives As Spaying And Neutering Are Especially Vital For Their Lifelong Health

Program Aims To Spay And Neuter 2,500 Dogs And Cats In Greater Houston ...

At Pet Smile Vet we have a mission to ensure every pet owner has access to spay/neuter services and preventive care for their pets. Our Spay neuter clinics across Atwood, CA are certified and licensed with trained veterinarians and veterinary technicians. All of the services we offer are preventive and will keep your pets healthy. When you call or visit a Spay Neuter Network Clinic, one of our caring veterinary technicians will walk you through our services to assist you in deciding what your pet needs. Pet Smile Vet offers low-cost, high-quality Spay/Neuter Surgery for cats and dogs exclusively in Atwood, CA.

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Spay And Neuter: Owned Cats And Dogs

The Hawaiian Humane Societys Community Spay/Neuter Center is a specialized high-quality spay/neuter clinic designed to increase availability of affordable cat and dog spay/neuter services for the community.

Schedule an Appointment

To make a spay/neuter appointment for a pet cat or dog at Hawaiian Humanes Community Spay Neuter Center, call 356-2255 or click the button below. To be eligible for spay/neuter surgery, kittens must be at least 2 pounds and 8 weeks of age. Dogs must be between 8 weeks and 6 years of age. This is a same-day procedure, meaning your pet must be picked up the day of their procedure.



Caring For Cats Rochester Ny

Real Customer Reviews About Caring For Cats

Paws and Claws Pet Care, Inc.





I have read some horror stories in these reviews, and I must say I am sorry for all that bad stuff I am reading. My experiences has been welllllllâ¦â¦ Kinda flat. They see my baby, they tell me what the findings were, they send me to the counter, I pay and check out and leave. No friendly conversation, a tad bit robotic, and they make me feel slightly uncomfortable.



Very nice vet and great for cats. Just wish theyâd inform you better instructions to prevent having to come in twice for the same thing.



If you own a cat in and around the Greece, Hilton, Northwest Rochester area, this is where you take your it. Knowledgeable, caring staff. Modern facility and reasonably priced.


Caring For A Grumpy Cat

If theres one thing we know about our feline friends, its that they all have their own purrsonalities. Some kitties are lovable little cuddlebugs, others tend to ignore their humans, and some are, well, rather cranky. If you have a four-legged curmudgeon on your hands, read on for some great tips from a Rochester, NY vet on caring for grumpy cats.

Comfort & Quality Of Life

We focus on comfort and quality of life for every patient, at every age. Our palliative care plans usually combine treatments that include both pharmaceutical and alternative therapies. We design a plan to maintain comfort and quality of life for pets, with deep consideration for your familys needs and wishes.

Effective Therapies Provide Relief

Proactive treatment is applied as we predict the course of a pets illness. Our effective therapies ensure your dogs and cats never experience uncontrolled pain.

Treatments may include anti-inflammatory drugs, opioids, local anesthetics, antibiotics, diuretics, anti-seizure medications, or chemotherapy.

In combination with medical treatment, nondrug and alternative therapies are available to enhance the quality of life. Such options include nutritional support, referral for rehabilitation, IV fluids, surgical procedures, and acupuncture.

How to Know When its Time
What to Expect

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Comfort Fun And Safety

Your pet will enjoy our bright, spacious, climate-controlled facility where all guests receive fresh food, water, and treats . To keep pets active, regular exercise and playtimes are available, including a group playtime option for our canine guests. Come bedtime, guests have a warm, comfy place to rest and relax.

Special Considerations

If your pet becomes ill during his or her stay, there is a doctor available during regular business hours and on-call Sundays and holidays. We also have access to a 24-hour emergency hospital and board-certified specialists.

Other Services
No Fleas

Our goal is to provide a safe, welcoming environment, so you dont have to worry about your pet when youre away. For more information about our boarding services, please contact us directly.

Ready To Begin Earning Rewards

  • You will then receive a confirmation email to verify your account.
  • Open the email and click the Verify your email address button.
  • You will automatically receive your first loyalty stamp once your email has been verified.
  • Your pet information will sync with our system and show up in the app the next day.

Have questions about our app? Call us for more information!

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Caring For A Deaf Cat

Specially-Abled Pets Day is coming up May 3rd. Just like people, pets can be afflicted by medical problems. Some of our feline friends are born with handicaps, while others may have them as a result of trauma. However, cats are very resilient, and often adapt very well to the loss of sight, hearing, or even limbs. Here, a Rochester, NY veterinarian discusses caring for a deaf kitty.

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Caring For A Scaredy Cat

Is your feline friend on the shy side? Just like people, cats all have their own distinct personalities. Some kitties are calm and friendly, while others can be anxious and wary. If your furball falls into the latter category, read on for some great tips from a local Rochester, NY veterinarian on caring for a scaredy cat.

Recommended Reading: How To Properly Clean A Cat Litter Box

Join The Coldwater Animal Hospital Family Today

  • Monday: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed
  • Monday: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

Other Reviews From The Web View All

Part 2: Body camera footage of RPD officer pepper-spraying 9-year-old

Very good,Dr. Arnold and staff provided great care for my cats for over fifteen years.

Posted by Richard Israelson on October 08, 2017.Brought to you by wellness.

Q: Would you recommend this provider to others?A: I Already HaveQ: Were the waiting room chairs comfortable while waiting for your pet?A: YesQ: Does the providerâs staff try to be helpful?A: YesQ: Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?A: CompletelyQ: Were the staff members able to answer your questions?A: Definitely

Posted by Anonymous on September 29, 2017.Brought to you by wellness.

Average Rating

We used this vetâs office for a number of years. The staff is good however other reviewers are right about the smell in the office. I ignored it until I switched to a Vet that takes dogs too whenâ¦

Posted by Lea H. on May 13, 2015.Brought to you by yahoolocal.

Average Rating

I am a veterinarian in Missouri and am planning on being in New York in the future. I had heard both of these vets are exceptional and have hopes of visiting their clinic:) If any time better than another, please let me know. Dr Bill Sorrick, Webb City,MO

Posted by Bill S. on March 21, 2015.Brought to you by yellowpages.

Average Rating

Great veterinary facility for your kitties. I love that they are specialized in cats, it makes me feel more confident in working with them knowing they work with just cats all day, every dayâ¦.

Posted by Megan H. on February 25, 2015.Brought to you by yahoolocal.

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Island Cottage Rd Rochester Ny 14612

OPEN NOW â Closes at 7:00pm

Like this review? Share it on your social network to get the word out!


Caring for Cats is the best feline vet in town bar none! Friendly staff, welcoming atmosphere, very clean! When my Osiris was dying the emergency vet in town wanted to put him to sleep when I couldnât come up with 2300 dollars on the spot! I waited until morning & took him to see Dr. Hartman who saved his life. Even with three days in the hospital it was a small fraction of what the emergency vet wanted. Dr. Hartman is retired now & could seem gruff to humans but she obviously loved them cats! My Ninja was treated well when I had concerns about her health. I highly recommend Caring for Cats!


great place to goâ¦.best vet in townâ¦been going there for years ..wouldnât trade it for the worldâ¦.


Took my cat here because he was showing symptoms of a fever, Dr. Hartman seemed to be in a rush with my cat because there was an emergency coming in and was rude answering a few of my questions. Gave my cat some antibiotics and some water then said we were all set . Brought my cat home and he died before the end of the night. He was only a couple years old.


I have been takeing my cats here for over 30 years they show the very most concern for my pets then where ever I have taken my pets before



Rochester Community Animal Clinic

Rochester Community Animal Clinic is a veterinary clinic devoted to improving cat and dog health through preventative care and owner education. We target those who may not otherwise be able to afford these important services.

Vaccine/wellness packages are available to all pet owners by appointment only. Learn more about our wellness appointments and packages.

High-quality spay/neuter surgery appointments are available to low-income pet owners who meet eligibility criteria. Learn more about our spay/neuter surgeries.

If you are interested in scheduling a spay/neuter surgery for your pet, please complete our online surgery application.

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Suspected Abuse Or Neglect:

Humane Law Enforcement The Humane Law Enforcement Department at Lollypop Farm plays a critical role in addressing cruelty to animals in our community. Our organization maintains an SPCA designation and is charged with investigating and enforcing the animal cruelty laws of New York State. With five animal cruelty investigators, the law enforcement department receives no government or agency funding.

Signs of Animal Abuse:

  • Dogs left outside without food, water, or shelter
  • Sick or injured pets that have not been treated
  • Unsanitary living conditions

Wellness And Preventative Care

At Penfield Veterinary Hospital, we understand that wellness and preventative care are essential to a long and healthy relationship between you and your pet. We are dedicated to making sure your furry friend receives the best health care from us. We are also here to make sure you are educated when it comes to your pets health and wellness treatment at home.

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Pet Boarding Services At Companion Animal Hospital

When you go on vacation or a business trip and have to leave your pet behind, it can create a lot of stress for you and your pet. Pets are attached to their owners, and it is important that when you vacation, you leave them with someone that you trust. At Fairview you can trust us to treat your pet like a member of our own family and provide the best in boarding care.

The Importance Of Annual Exams

Regular visits to our hospital are the best way to keep your pet healthy and to prevent problems from worsening or becoming too costly. We recommend yearly wellness exams for every cat and dog, although more frequent visits may be encouraged . The wellness visit is also a good time to voice your concerns and ask questions.


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What Are People Saying About Caring For Cats

Here are some reviews from our users.

“Been taking my cat here since he was a kitten, everyone is great! They also have boarding if you need it!”

“Very caring and knowledgeable place to take your cats. The staff is friendly n helpful.”

“Very organized and friendly vet for cats. A very caring sense, excellent doctors and staff. I highly recommend.”

“I had to bring my cat in for long overdue shots and the staff was super kind and helpful with updating my cats info. They werent judgmental of the fact that my cat hadnt been seen in years. I brought my 3 year old daughter with me and they were so kind to her and not at all bothered that she came too. It seems rare to find places you can bring your child to nowadays where the staff doesnt seem put out. I also really appreciated the thorough job they did to make sure my questions about my cat were answered”

About Pittsford Animal Hospital

Mother of 9-year-old girl pepper-sprayed by Rochester Police speaks out

We truly care about helping your cat or dog and always employ the latest techniques to deliver effective, personalized treatments for every patient. As your trusted team of veterinary professionals, we look forward to helping you and your pet enjoys a long, healthy life together.

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Wellness And Preventative Care At Stone Ridge

Being proactive about your pets health is the key to a longer, happier life together. At Stone Ridge Veterinary Hospital, our veterinarians are sure to cover the following topics as part of any wellness plan. We also want to develop a plan that meets the unique needs of you and your pet. Thats why we encourage you to ask specific questions and discuss any concerns you may have about your companion. Our team is dedicated to helping you make sensible decisions that fit your lifestyle.



Can You Mix Wet And Dry Cat Food

Helps With Weight Management

When & How to Switch Your Cat From Wet to Dry Food | Chewy

Adding wet food to your pets diet can also help with weight loss since the extra water allows pets to feel full and be more satisfied after their meals. In contrast, adding in some dry food can provide extra calories for dogs who struggle with eating enough wet food to meet their energy requirements. Dry food is more nutrient dense since it is less diluted with moisture.

Adding Water To Your Cats Food

For cats that Ive owned in the past whether I was feeding them with dry food exclusively or wet food, I always added a bit of water. Adding water to each has the benefit of softening food to make it easier to eat or adding a bit of volume to stretch your money and help with palatability . Just dont drown their food!

What Should You Do If Your Cat Wont Eat Wet Food Anymore

  • 09/25/2021
  • Review: 2.69
  • Summary: · A cat that doesnt want to eat might have a sickness. Or you can check the food ingredients in case some of them may make your cat feel
  • Matching search results: According to some surveys, cats like to eat a mix of both wet and dry foods. Wet foods help to diversify the cat diet because it has a variety of texture. On the other hand, dry foods meet the cats natural dietary needs . As a

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How To Make Wet Cat Food At Home

Regardless of the options available in the market, it is without a doubt that homemade food is the best for your cat. However, when it comes to the feline diet, raw is a preferred and gold standard. Cats are hunters by nature, and it is important to feed them a diet that is close enough to what they would find in nature.

However, preparing a wet cat food diet for your pet from scratch can be a tasking job and requires dedication plus effort to get it right. But, at the end of the day, when you see your pet all healthy and happy, the effort is all worth it.

You also need to use the right ingredients while balancing the nutrition quotient, such as minerals and vitamins essential for your cat.

Lets learn how to make wet cat food?

So, let us check out the process of making wet cat food to keep your pet healthy and happy.

In case you are dealing with the watery cat stool, then you might also like to read best cat food for firm stool, these are the foods that are formulated to keep your cats bowl regular and get the firm stool.

The Reasons Why Cat Owners Or Vets Recommend Mixing Wet And Dry Food Are Numerous And Include:

1. Can help prevent boredom

The cat is bored with its usual food, and it doesnt find it appealing anymore. Combining crunchiness with softness and different flavors can help prevent boredom and make feeding times interesting again.

2. Ideal for cats with dental problems

Some oral conditions can cause pain, and who likes to eat when in pain? Due to the pain, cats might stop eating, especially if their diet is based on dry food. By mixing wet with dry food, you are making the food softer and easier to chew.

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3. It promotes oral health

Compared to wet food, dry food provides a certain level of teeth cleaning as cats chew on the crunchy kibbles. The rougher and harder texture removes plaque and tartar as the cat eats.

4. Helps your cat stay hydrated

Wet food has more than 78% water content . So by mixing dry food with wet food, you will help your cat stay hydrated and prevent future urinary problems.

Also Read:Adding Water To Dry Cat Food Vet Explains How To Do It Right

5. Helps with weight-control

Wet food is denser and has more water. Usually, it has fewer calories than dry food, and an overweight cat may benefit from specific feeding times. However, wet food is often highly palatable, and cats may eat more than they need just because of the delicious taste.

On the other hand, you can find dry foods that are low in calories, and because they are less appetizing, your cat may not want to overeat.

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Things To Keep In Mind

If youre a long-time dry cat food enthusiast, remember that wet cat food can spoil and needs to be refrigerated after opening. Although, NUTRO PERFECT PORTIONS Trays are designed with two single-serving meals, so you never have to deal with leftovers .On the other hand, if youre new to the world of dry cat food, remember to always follow the feeding guidelines on the package and store food bags in a cool, dry place.

What Wet And Dry Cat Food Do Veterinarians Recommend

Regardless of whether you choose to feed a dry or canned cat food, it is important to feed a well-balanced, commercial diet to ensure that your cat gets the vitamins and minerals they need.

Reputable brands such as Science Diet and Royal Canin have been quality-controlled and specially formulated to meet a cats nutritional requirements. Your veterinarian can give you more specific recommendations based on your cats health history.

Avoid feeding a home-cooked or homemade diet unless it is specially formulated by a veterinarian who is specialized in making these diets. If you dont have help from a qualified vet, these diets can be deficient in vitamins and minerals such as taurine, which can cause heart disease in cats.

Involving your veterinarian in your decision of what to feed your cat can be very helpful in ensuring they get the most appropriate nutrition.

Here are some other things to consider.

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How Much Water Should You Be Adding To Dry Kibble

If you are serious about adding water to your cats dry food you may be wondering how do you actually do this, how much water do you even add? Good question, let me discuss

Before you go ahead and add water it is important to get the ratio of water to kibble correct. According to this site, they recommend a ratio of one-part water for every three parts of dry kibble.

However, its worth checking to see how your cat responds to this. And, if there is any doubt you can check with your vet.

Canned Cat Food Benefits

How To Switch Your Cat From Dry To Wet Food | Chewy

The largest benefit of feeding a canned diet is the higher water content. Cats with certain health conditions that require a higher-than-normal water intake, such as kidney disease, diabetes, or lower urinary tract disease, may benefit from the additional water in these diets.

Canned food is also highly palatable, and some cats will eat a canned diet over a dry diet, particularly if they are picky eaters.

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How Much Water Is Perfect To Add In Dry Cat Food

Normally, a cat consuming wet food gets a lot of moisture from the wet food.

The moisture content in most wet foods is about 80%, which is similar to the moisture content of a cats natural diet.

A cat that eats wet food can only need an extra 30 ml of water per day in addition to their wet food. Even on a wet food diet, they need access to safe, fresh water.

A cat eating dry kibble can need up to 200 ml of additional water to absorb the same amount of moisture as a cat eating wet food!

Add about 14 cups of water to each helping to increase a cats water intake, enhance the taste and scent of the food, and slow down eating while also making the food appealing.

This water should be wet, but not boiling, to bring out the best taste. The aim isnt to make a broth, but to soak the kibble until it begins to fall apart and lose its shape.

Standard dry food guidance will be to give a 12-pound cat a third of a cup of kibble per day. You could serve this in three halves. So three-quarters of a cup per meal.

If you add 60 ml of water per meal, youll get a lot closer to a wet diets moisture content. However, you will find that it will never be the same as eating wet food.

If you use so much water, the food will simply disintegrate into a watery mess!

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Adding Water To Dry Cat Food

While cat owners should give the cat access to fresh, filtered water at all times, day and night, this does not guarantee that the cat is drinking enough water. Cats often become dehydrated and are prone to urinary tract infections caused by dehydration.

A simple way to solve this problem without mixing wet and dry food is to simply moisten the dry cat food. To do this, pour ¼ cup of fresh, filtered water over the dry cat food. The water will quickly moisten the food in the bowl.

This method of hydrating dry food has four main benefits:

  • Increases cats water intake
  • Helps cats with sensitive mouths to eat more food
  • Helps cats with missing teeth to eat enough food
  • Increases the aroma of dry food, stimulating the cats appetite

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Disadvantages Of Mixing Cat Food

In some situations, combining different products can be counter-productive. You should avoid mixing cat food if:

  • Your cat is on a prescription or therapeutic dietCombining regular commercial products with prescription cat food without consulting your vet can affect the efficacy of the treatment. Prescription cat food is often rich in a particular ingredient . If you wish to expand their menu, consult a vet to find solutions that wont impact your cats food regime
  • Your budget doesnt allow varietyYou may not be able to afford to buy two types of food on a regular basis. Keep in mind that after being fed mixed meals, cats typically never switch back to one type of food
  • You dont have the time to portion the mealsInadequate serving amounts and caloric intake can trigger various health issues, such as weight loss or gain, digestive problems, and poor coat quality
  • Youre not sure whether your cat has food allergiesWhenever you buy new cat food, allow your kitty to have a taste and monitor their reaction. The best course of action is to add it to their regular meal. That way, you can prevent an allergic reaction

Mom forgot to go cat food shopping, AGAIN!

Is There A Naturally Softer Food Available

Yes, you can get moist food. I know you may be thinking: Isnt this the same as canned wet food? The answer is no. But, let me explain.

This moist food is typically sold in a pouch and usually has approx. 65% moisture. To quantify the difference, normal wet canned food is typically 85% moisture. And, to add a further comparison, dry food , usually has about 10% moisture.

However, be careful. Some of these moist foods have a high number of artificial colors, e-numbers, and sweeteners, so you need to check them carefully.

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Don’t Mix Therapeutic Pet Foods With Other Foods Without First Consulting Your Veterinarian

The science behind pet foods continues to evolve and one huge benefit for our pets is therapeutic diets. Therapeutic diets are created specifically to prevent or delay the onset of many health conditions. However, it’s important that you not add anything to a therapeutic diet without first consulting your vet. It may have the adverse effect of diluting the precise formulation and perhaps even counteracting the intended benefits for your pet.

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For More Protein Fewer Carbs: Wet Cat Food

Canned cat food in general contains more meat than kibble diets, which is why it is typically more expensive. This is great news for cats, who are obligate carnivores, requiring few, if any, carbohydrates. To compare the protein levels of your canned and dry cat food, always convert to a dry matter basis.

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What Does Your Cat Need In Its Diet

Given that cats are obligatory carnivores, they need:

  • Ample protein from fish or meat
  • Amino acids such as arginine and taurine
  • Vitamins
  • Water
  • Minerals

Carbohydrates like corn and rice in minuscule amounts are perfectly fine. However, it isnt necessary for your furry friends diet.

However, the right amount of carbohydrates will ensure that your cat is energetic throughout the day and even decrease the overall cost of making homemade, wet cat food.

Combination Of Wet And Dry Cat Food Why Do It

Royal Canin Mix Feeding for Cat

There are a lot of good reasons why you would want to mix your cats food.

Heres what we often forget

Wet cat food and dry cat food each have their unique properties and drawbacks that help to offset one from the other. Mixing each together helps give the cat the best of both worlds.

Dry food tends to be less expensive, can be stored easy and can be loaded into an automatic feeder.

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Why Has My Cat Stopped Eating Dry Food But Eats Treats

  • 04/24/2022
  • Review: 4.92
  • Summary: · Another common reason that your cat only wants to eat treats and wont eat their dry food is that youve been overly generous with giving them
  • Matching search results: If the change cannot be reversed, such as if you get a new pet, try to establish a new and consistent routine to help your cat regain its comfort and start eating normally again. It may take a little while to adapt, but your cat should get their

Whats Best For My Cat: Should I Mix Wet And Dry Cat Food

Mixing wet with dry food is perfectly safe! But keep in mind that both types of cat food have different recommendations for daily intake, and you risk overfeeding your cat and making it overweight by not following these guidelines. As long as your cat isnt chubby or predisposed to fattening, mixing dry and wet food can be a good option.

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It Helps With Hydration

While dry food helps with your cats oral health, wet food helps with hydration. Cats are descended from desert animals, and they dont need a lot of water to survive, but sometimes they forget that they need some water and can get dehydrated even if they have water in their bowl. Wet food provides both nutrition and extra hydration that dry food doesnt. Adding a little bit of wet food into your cats diet can help promote kidney health by keeping them well hydrated.

If you’re looking for a balanced, highly nutritious cat food made with human-grade ingredients, take a closer look at Smalls. You can even save 33% on this premium cat food by entering code HEPPER2022 at checkout!

Slow Down Fast Eaters

One issue with dry cat food, such as kibble, is the speed that it can be consumed by your pet. Lets be honest, she can literally suck it up fast, like a tornado lapping up local debris, are you with me?

Therefore, adding a small amount of water will affect the texture and as an added benefit, will reduce their ability to hoover up the food, are you with me?

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Cat Not Eating 8 Things To Try When Your Cat Wont Eat

  • 08/19/2022
  • Review: 2.99
  • Summary: Consider writing or calling the company to see if they have more of the food. Perhaps they can tell you where to find it or send you some directly. Also ask
  • Matching search results: If you have an ethical or medical reason you need to stay with a certain brand of food, see whether it comes in other flavors. Think about trying other brands that might provide the same medical or health benefit. Your cat might find the change

What Are Other Ways To Spice Up Your Cats Diet

Besides mixing different cat foods, there are other ways you can add novelty to your felines diet. Here’s what you can give to your cat:

  • Low sodium soup or broth
  • Fish oil
  • Special pet food spices

Some vets also recommend adding nutritional yeastdeactivated yeast that has a cheesy tasteto your cats meals as a taste enhancer and a natural source of vitamin B, protein, and chromium. Dont mistake it with regular yeast that is dangerous for felines and should be avoided at all costs.

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Why My Cat Stopped Eating Her Wet Food & What I Did

  • 04/12/2022
  • Review: 2.73
  • Summary: This trick is a winner. If your cat doesnt feel appealed by his wet food anymore simply put his favorite treats in the middle of the wet food and wait. Your
  • Matching search results: Sometimes the same exact wet food has a different consistency when switching to a different batch. If you happened to have opened a new batch of canned food or pouch and your cat refuses to eat it, you may want to consider this



Can Cats Have Peanut Allergies

Beware Of Peanut Butter Contents And Safety

Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter?

A well-balanced cat diet consists of dry kibble or dry/wet food combo with adequate fatty acids, protein, fats, and fiber and peanut butter is full of fat and protein.

Peanut butter contains an especially high amount of fat. Some peanut butter brands include extra sugar, too. These two factors contribute to weight gain, obesity, and other health issues like diabetes.

Because peanut butter is very thick and sticky, it can be hard for your cat to swallow. So, choking is always a possibility. Plus, like any indulgence, if your cat overeats, it can cause gastrointestinal trouble like nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.

So, be mindful and give sparingly.

How Are Cat Allergies Treated

If you are trying to help your cat manage their allergies, the best thing you can do is to prevent them from entering your cat’s environment in the first place. For instance, you can:

  • Use veterinarian approved flea and tick control
  • Use dust-free cat litter
  • Bathe your cat to relieve itching
  • Keep your home clean of dirt and dust
  • Wash your cat’s bedding regularly
  • Provide your cat with a healthy diet
  • Avoid smoking around your pets

In some cases, your vet may provide your cat with a daily prescription or dietary supplements.

Tips To Add Peanut Butter In Your Cats Diet

Though peanut butter is not recommended for your feline diet, but if you want to make an attempt, feed them by adhering to the following rules.

  • As peanut butter is not part of a cats regular diet, try giving them 1 or 2 diced or chopped pieces so they can chew them easily. Alternatively, you can give them as little as a lick off of a finger.
  • Opt for a sodium-free version of peanut butter with as little sugar content as possible. Avoid the peanuts that are bathed in chocolate.
  • If you prefer raw shelled peanuts, remember that the outer shell of a peanut can do more harm to your cats digestive tract when its swallowed mistakenly.

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Peanuts And Peanut Butter Can Be Choking Hazards

Peanuts are small, hard, and smooth. These factors can sometimes make peanuts difficult to chew for cats, especially for younger kittens or senior cats. It could be very easy for a cat to swallow a peanut and begin choking on it accidentally. The safest approach for small, young, or old cats is to keep peanuts well out of reach and not feed them to your cat.

In addition to raw and roasted peanuts, peanut butter could also pose a choking hazard for cats. Cats might have difficulty swallowing peanut butter because of its thick, sticky consistency, unlike dogs, who can guzzle down peanut butter like theres no tomorrow.

If a cat is choking, they may paw at their mouth and throat, cough uncontrollably, breath heavily, and exhibit panic. Knowing how to help a choking cat is another great tool in protecting your fur family.

Are Peanuts Safe For Cats

It seems like a funny question to even ask. When you hold a bunch of peanuts in your hand, its easy to think that these little legumes couldnt hurt anything. And youd be right, for the most part: peanuts do not contain any compounds that are inherently toxic to cats.

However, just because eating peanuts doesnt pose a guaranteed risk to cats doesnt mean that theyre all that good for them, either. For starters, due to their small size and easily breakable form, peanuts may pose a choking hazard to cats if not properly chewed. Additionally, some of our furry friends can suffer from serious allergies to some foods, including peanuts.

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Any Health Benefits For My Cat From Peanut Butter

have shown that peanut butter contains vitamin A which helps boost the immune system of felines. This prevents them from acquiring certain diseases.

Aside from that, it is also said to have resveratrol, Vitamin E and other minerals which prevents them from having heart problems. It is also believed that the oil in it works wonders for your kittens fur. But there is no evidence to prove this. It has no real known health benefits to cats aside from its protein contents because its very rich in protein.

Unlike humans, cats just dont have the same ability to process certain foods and something that has high nutritional value and healthy for humans can mean nothing to cats and peanut butter is included. Think of it almost like chocolate for humans. Sure, there are some health benefits when consuming sugar free or like raw chocolate that isnt filled with lots of sugar or sweets, but overall, the treat isnt super healthy. Its just that: a treat.

Can Cats Eat Whipped Cream

Much like ice-cream, your cat is most likely going to want whipped cream for the fat content. Whipped cream is likely fine for your cat to have in very small doses but keep an eye out for signs of gastric upset.

If youre using fresh cream that youve simply whipped into in a cloud without adding other ingredients, then theres even less for you to worry about. Whipped cream from a can may contain other ingredients like sugar and corn syrup which can cause weight gain. Always check ingredient labels and make sure you know what youre giving your cat.

Overall, you could do worse than whipped cream, but remember that your cat may be lactose intolerant, and too much dairy can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

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Can Cats Have Peanut Butter As A Treat

For the risks outlined in this article, its best not to give your cat peanut butter, even as a treat once and a while.

There are so many other treats on the market, that are actually intended for cats, and are much better options than peanut butter. You can even find more natural and wholistic cat treats that wont contain any grey area ingredients or be full of fillers.

Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter 6 Things Cat Owners Should Know

Can your cat have pet seasonal allergies?

Posted on Last updated: August 9, 2021

While cats are amazingly intuitive and often know what is good for them and what isnt, it is still our responsibility to ensure that theyre well taken care of. Sometimes, your little furry friend might see you eating a delicious peanut butter sandwich and get drawn to the smell. As curiosity is a cats forte, theyll likely meow at you hoping to get a bite of your sandwich.

Even with all of the best treats available to them, you might want to share this human snacks with the cat. You may wonder if its a good idea to give them a little bit of your sandwich. Or better yet, if its possible to offer them a dollop of the smooth and creamy spread as a treat.

This raises the following questions can cats eat peanut butter? Are there any nutritional benefits? How much of it is bad for them? Will your cat be okay if they accidentally help themselves to whatever peanut butter might be lying out on the kitchen counter?


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Can I Give My Cat Some Peanut Butter With Their Medicinesand Pills

Peanut butterlogically carries some of the same risks of peanuts for cats, like vomiting anddiarrhoea. It also adds-on a few more because most available peanut butter isnot only highly processed but has a lot of sugar and salt added in themanufacturing.

Is it toxic andwill they get seriously sick from it? Probably not. Should they be eating it?Again, probably not since there are not any benefits and their consumption ofit is not without risks.

Cats are also susceptible to feline diabetes, something most owners never even consider a possibility, which makes giving them unnecessary sugars and fat far from a great idea. You should be especially careful if your cat happens to be above their ideal weight.

The biggest risk by farif you decide to give your cat some peanut butteris that it might contain xylitol. Xylitol, which is often used to replace sugar, is dangerously toxic for cats and, in extreme cases, can lead to death.

So be sure to check that any peanut butter you plan to share with your cat it is either all-natural or, if its processed, contains actual sugar and not artificial sweeteners.

Some symptoms of xylitol intoxication include:

  • lack of coordination

Do Cats Like Peanut Butter

Many cats may eat peanut butter if offered to them, but that does not mean that all cats like peanut butter.

If youre giving medication to a dog, peanut butter is a good choice, but it probably isnt the best snack for your cat.

Peanut butter is a sticky consistency that can stick to the roof of a cats mouth. While it might keep them busy for a few minutes, it may be frustrating for them to get out of their mouth.

Plus, if your cats are anything like my cats, your cats might not like how messy peanut butter can get. It could end up coating their whiskers and paws, meaning that another cleaning session is in order.

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Can Cats Have Crunchy Peanut Butter

As many of you may know crunchy peanut butter is a variant of peanut. In crunchy peanut butter, you will find actual pieces of peanuts in the butter.

In terms of your cat eating crunchy peanut butter, just avoid it like other peanut butter. Another reason why you should not give crunchy peanut butter to your cat is that this type of peanut butter contains xylitol.

Its a preservative agent and is highly toxic for animals which means it is also toxic for a cat as well.

That was all the talk on peanut butter-based products. Now next we will tell you that can you feed your cats on diluted peanut butter combos.

How To Safely Feed Peanut Butter To Your Cat

Two tablespoons is a *human* serving sizeyour cat should only be given a small amount. According to the Clinical Nutrition Service, treats should only make up 10 percent or less of your cats daily calories. Since peanut butter is fatty and calorically dense, the portion will likely be tiny but do the math based on the amount of dry and wet food your cat eats every day to figure out the proper serving size. You can also consider melting or diluting the peanut butter, since its sticky, thick texture can be a choking hazard.

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Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter Or Is Peanut Butter Toxic For Cats

We love it, our dogs love it, but what about our cats? Can cats eat peanut butter, or is it toxic for them?

If you didnt already know, cats cant always eat the same foods as dogs. A cats genetic makeup requires a very specific diet, one that mainly consists of meat.

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Are Peanuts Toxic To My Cat

Peanuts are not toxic for a cat to eat. However, peanuts may contain small doses of ingredients that can be toxic. You dont want to run the risk of your cat eating enough peanuts to cause toxicity or to consume small amounts of peanuts over time and it potentially leading to bigger health issues down the road.

Some of the ingredients often found on peanuts can be toxic to cats:


Salt can be toxic to cats in higher doses, and even a small amount of salt can be toxic to smaller cats. According to Pet Poison Helpline, signs of salt poisoning may be:

  • Vomiting
  • Coma

Although its unlikely your cat will eat enough salted peanuts to consume a deadly amount of salt, its best best to keep the salty snack away from them.


Alliums are onions, garlic, scallions, shallots, leeks, and chives theyre toxic to cats. Powdered garlic and onion are much more potent, and peanuts are often seasoned with garlic and/or onion powder.


Peanuts are often grown in warmer and more humid climates, which can contribute to the growth of fungus. That fungus can produce aflatoxin, which is a toxin. Aflatoxins at higher levels can cause illness, liver damage, and death in cats .

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What Should I Do If My Cat Eats Peanut Butter

If your cat has eaten a small amount of peanut butter, theres likely nothing to worry about.

It will be immediately important to ensure theyre not choking on the peanut butters sticky texture keep an eye out for that and ensure they have water nearby to help wash it down if they appear to be struggling.

Just like humans, cats can have fatal reactions to allergens. So youll want to look for signs of an allergic reaction in the first couple of hours after consuming the peanut butter. Those symptoms will be very similar to how allergic reactions appear in humans and may be:

  • Vomiting
  • Swollen paws

And rush them to a vet clinic immediately if you see signs of anaphylaxis:

  • Struggling to breath
  • Having a seizure

If your cat seems fine in the hours following ingesting peanut butter, its important to continue keeping an eye on them in the following days.

Watch for any vomiting, diarrhea, or changes in their litter box behaviour, or overall behaviour.

Health issues can be expressed in a variety of ways and expressed differently in each cat. So, in general, watch for any behavioral changes that are out of the ordinary for your cat and contact a veterinarian if you see any.

Milk And Dairy Products


Believe it or not, cats should not drink milk. The old concept of leaving a saucer of milk out for your cat really doesnt hold true anymore because we now know cats simply cannot process the enzyme that breaks down lactose in milk . All such dairy products should be off limits to your kitty, as these can cause severe gastrointestinal upset.

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Caveat: Cats May Have Peanut Allergies Or Sensitivities

All cats are unique individuals, which sometimes means a cat might have a unique response to certain foods.

Food sensitivities are quite common in domesticated felines, as are allergies. One of the most common examples is lactose intolerance, but other foods may trigger adverse reactions.

Food allergies might involve gastrointestinal upset, but skin inflammation and itching are the most prevalent symptoms. Itching can lead to overgrooming and skin infections, so you should consult your veterinarian if you notice these signs.

Typically, food allergies and sensitivities are tested by the process of elimination and then treated by removing the food from your cats diet.

If you introduce peanuts to your cat, you can make this process easier by introducing peanuts alone instead of alongside other new foods that might make identifying the culprit more difficult.

Can Cats Have Pills With Peanut Butter

Coating medicine pills with peanut butter is a great way of giving pills to kids and sometimes even adults. The peanut butter makes the pill smell good and the kid or adult takes it easily.

The trick works with dogs as well. You might wonder, what about cats? On that, you can give your cat a peanut butter-coated pill if the pill is for some temporal problem like fever.

If your cat takes medication daily then coating the pills in peanut butter is not advisable as the amount of peanut butter going into the cat will be a lot.

It will be even more problematic for you as the medicine will not show its full effect due to the excess of peanut butter. So, as an emergency peanut butter is good but daily not good. Next, lets look at a very popular combo.

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Can Cats Have Peanut Butter Crackers

Crackers are big biscuits that your pets can have if it is plain and low on sugar. Just like cookies and treats peanut butter crackers are also not good for your cats. The contents of the crackers along with the peanut butter in them can create gastronomical problems for the cats.

Gastronomical problems include stomach aches, vomiting, gas, and diarrhea. Diarrhea can also be a cause of dehydration in a cat just like humans.

Moving ahead to the next which is

Figuring Out The Problem

The key to determining what to give cats for allergies is identifying the exact cause. You have to know what triggers the allergic reaction so you can eliminate it and prevent your cat from getting exposed to it. The actual cause of the allergy will also decide the kind of treatment that suits your cat.

Note that the treatment will always vary depending on the specific kind of allergy that has affected your cat. The best approach when trying to help your cat recover is to bring them to the vet to determine the severity of their case. The goal here is to obtain a definitive allergy diagnosis so the cat will receive proper treatment.

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What Should I Feed My Cat

Because your cat is an obligate carnivore, meaning she needs nothing outside of products that come from animals, her diet should include meat and fish. A little supplementation here and there with brown rice also can be included in her diet. In order to develop the best diet for your kitty, consult with her veterinarian to learn about which foods on the market today contain the best combinations of nutrients to optimize your cats health.

  • Contains twenty-four 2.6 oz. twin packs
  • Variety pack contains 3 delectably soft cat
  • Individual, easy peel trays mean that
  • Easy-to-use wet cat food trays: Just snap,
  • Made without grain, corn, wheat, or so Plus,



Blue Buffalo Wilderness Kitten Food Reviews

Blue Wilderness High Protein Dry Cat Food: Features

Blue Buffalo Wilderness Grain-Free Cat Food

Blue Wilderness High Protein Dry Cat Food comes crammed full of natural ingredients to meet the changing needs of adult cats. High in protein and with real chicken as the first ingredient, the wholesome and balanced ingredient list has everything your cat needs to thrive.

The inclusion of unique ingredients not found in many other brands also piqued our interest and are worth noting here. While specially designed kibbles, such as Royal Canin Hairball Care, do a great job of helping to sweep accumulated hair through the stomach and into the bowel for elimination, Blue Wilderness High Protein Dry Cat Food features barley grass and flaxseed, natural digestive aids that help prevent hairballs.

Youll also find plenty of Omega-3 fatty acids in this blend, great for maintaining a healthy heart and shiny coat, and Taurine for vision. It can also give the best wet cat food a run for its money with a high moisture content of 75% that makes it ideal if you have a feline who doesnt frequent their water bowl as often as youd like.

Dry Cat Food Recipe Review: Blue Buffalo Wilderness Adult Duck Recipe Dry Food

This Blue Buffalo Wilderness Adult Duck Recipe Dry Food is a protein-rich recipe designed to mimic the natural evolutionary diet of the wild lynx. In addition to being protein-rich, the duck which serves as the foundation for this recipe is also a novel protein for many cats which could help to reduce the risk for food allergies and sensitivities. For digestible carbohydrates, this recipe relies on sweet potatoes with fresh fruits and vegetables for added nutrient supplementation. Like all of Blue Buffalos dry foods, this recipe also contains LifeSource Bits which consist of a special blend of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals for healthy oxidative balance and nutritional support.

The first ingredient in this Blue Buffalo Wilderness Adult Duck Recipe Dry Food is deboned duck. Duck is a protein-rich ingredient but it is important to remember that fresh meats contain up to 80% moisture when the product is cooked and the moisture removed, the actual volume of protein provided by this ingredient could be much lower. This isnt a problem for this recipe, however, because chicken meal and turkey meal are the second and third ingredients. Meat meals have already been cooked to remove moisture so they are a highly concentrated source of protein. Additional protein sources in this recipe include menhaden fish meal and pea protein. The pea protein is a little troubling because, as a plant-based ingredient, it has lower biological value to your cat.

This :

Who Is Wellnesss Target Audience

Wellness is aimed at consumers who are willing to pay a little more to give their cat better nutrition than theyd find from bargain-basement cat foods. However, Wellness also tries to stay more accessible than some premium foods, so you can find it in most pet stores.

Ultimately, the type of person who buys Wellness is someone who gives some thought to their cats diet but doesnt want to spend a ton of time researching the best possible foods.

There are certainly better foods out there, but they may not be on the shelves of your local chain pet food store.

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What Other Users Are Saying About Blue Buffalo Cat Food

  • All About Cats As an economical dry food, this recipe is one of the better ones you can buy.
  • Cat Food Database Additionally, its worth noting that this product does not list either by-products nor bulk-adding fillers within its top ingredients together, their combined absence may be indicative of a higher-quality product.
  • Amazon As pet owners, we always double-check with Amazon reviews from buyers before we buy something. You can read these by clicking here.

Can Dry Cat Food Go Stale

Like any other pet food, dry cat food can go bad. Always check the best by date to make sure your food isnt past its due date. To best preserve your dry food, keep it in the original packagingthese bags are designed to help food maintain its freshness as long as possible.

Make sure to seal the bag properly after use to avoid air exposure as well. Air exposure can cause degradation of the food. Store your food in a cool, dry place as opposed to out in the sun as that can cause the temperature and humidity to rise in the bag.

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Blue Buffalo Basics Limited Ingredient Grain

Quick Summary

As a limited ingredient cat food, the Blue Buffalo Cat Basics Limited Ingredient Grain-Free Indoor Fish & Potato Entree Adult Canned Cat Food is the perfect thing to feed to those cats that suffer from issues with their skin, allergies, chronic conditions, or simply need to lose some weight. It is for this reason that it comes highly recommended by professional veterinarians. The food contains just one source of protein in the form of duck real meat, along with some healthy vegetables, such as peas and pumpkin.

Because the Blue Buffalo Cat Basics Limited Ingredient Grain-Free Indoor Fish & Potato Entree Adult Canned Cat Food does not contain some of the most common feline allergens, such as eggs, animal by products, animal meals, wheat, corn, diary, or soy, it is safe to feed to those reviews cats that suffer with allergies. Despite the fact that it contains only a limited amount of ingredients, the number of nutrients that are in the food are not limited. It is packed full of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, such as the fatty acids omega 3.


What Is The Right Amount Of Blue Buffalo That I Should Feed My Cat

Blue Buffalos products have varying feeding recommendations, so always check the label on the product youre buying.

If youre introducing Blue Buffalo to your cat for the first time, follow our feeding guide, and start by mixing 25 percent with your cats old food, before gradually increasing from there.

Individual pets requirements vary from feeding recommendations thanks to factors like age, size, environment, and activity level. When in doubt, always ask your veterinarian to ensure your cats diet is supporting optimal body condition.

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The History Behind Blue Buffalo

As we previously discussed, Blue Buffalo was founded off the back of a sick Airedale Terrier named Blue being diagnosed with cancer.

His owner, the company founder Bill Bishop, and his sons were dissatisfied with the markets pet food. They decided to seek veterinarians and nutritionists to provide a diet that met their specific requirements.

However, it wasnt long before Blue Buffalo faced problems from competitors. The company often marketed itself by comparing its products to other established pet food brands, which lead to hostilities with Purina Petcare Co.

Purina Petcare Co. soon accused Blue Buffalo of false advertising and responded by scrutinizing Blue Buffalos signature Life Source Bits.

The campaign against Blue Buffalo was extensive. Purina was making statements like some of the products by Blue Buffalo contained animal by-products and grains, which they claimed were excluded.

In addition, Blue Buffalo found some of its pet food product lines linked with detailed reports on Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Melamine cases for several years. The FDA reported these related cases between January 1, 2014, and April 30, 2019.

Blue Buffalo Wilderness High Protein Dry Cat Food Salmon

Blue Wilderness Pate Cat Food Variety Pack Review

Blue Buffalo Wilderness High Protein Dry Cat Food, Salmon is an excellent option for those looking for a high protein diet for their cat. This food is made with real salmon and is grain free. It also contains no artificial flavors or preservatives. Cats love the taste of this food, and it is sure to keep them healthy and active. This blue buffalo cat food is also a good option for those cats allergic to chicken or beef.

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Top Blue Wilderness Ingredients

We like for you to be aware of the main ingredients in your cats food. The top fifteen are the main ingredients that make up the majority of the food.

  • Deboned Chicken
  • DL-Methionine
  • Choline Chloride
  • The ingredient that we were happy to see in this cat food was deboned chicken. We like that the chicken was not bone in because it would have increased the weight of the cat food without adding vital nutrients and minerals.

    That being said, there were quite a few ingredients that we were not so happy to see. These included: potatoes, pea protein, dehydrated alfalfa meal, and tapioca starch. The food contains three common allergens that you will want to note if your cat has allergies. These are chicken, fish, and eggs.

    Who Is Blue Buffalos Target Audience

    Blue Buffalo targets the same people that Wellness does. These two brands are competing with each other much more than they are with cheaper foods like Fancy Feast or more premium options like Orijen.

    Their ideal customer is someone who walks into a pet store and asks for the best food they have. In many chain pet stores, both brands will often be in contention.

    However, if you dig a little deeper on the internet or visit higher-end pet stores, youll find several foods that are much more nutritious than either Blue Buffalo or Wellness. Theyre just harder to find and much more expensive.

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    Is Blue Buffalo A Good Cat Food

    Blue Buffalo is highly popular with cat owners across the world and as a result they have thousands of positive reviews from customers. If you read these it is clear to see that cats enjoy eating the food and that it is good for their health, with lots of anecdotal evidence of conditions being treated and even reversed as a result of Blue Buffalo. If your pat cat is a fussy eater then do not worry, Blue Buffalo is available in several different ranges and flavor options to suit the palette of most felines.

    Blue Buffalo Natural Veterinary Diet K+m Kidney And Mobility Support Dry Food

    Blue Buffalo offers a range of prescription foods for cats with more serious health needs. The one that offers the most difference from their standard brand is the variety for supporting kidney health and joint mobility.

    As kidneys in bad shape can struggle to digest too much protein, this formula limits protein to 26%. However, it is all taken from the best chicken sources to ensure the protein they are getting is high quality. This does mean that the recipe uses pea and potato starch as filler. The recipe also limits phosphorus and sodium, other problem substances for cats with kidney issues.

    Kidney problems are often accompanied by mobility issues, so this food is enhanced with DHA, glucosamine and chondroitin, all of which help support joint function and mobility.


    • Contains peas and potato starch

    Overall: Kidney Elixir

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    Has Blue Buffalo Cat Food Been Recalled

    No, the Blue Buffalo Cat Food has not been recalled.

    Owing to its high-quality cat and dog food that is rich in nutrients, Blue Buffalo has no recalls. The strict manufacturing guidelines and transparent product details ensure that the food is of premium grade.

    Additionally, the food ingredients are verified through the process of quality checks irrespective of where they arrive from. The manufacturing facilities and cooking equipment are maintained clean to ensure a safe environment.

    Wet Cat Food Recipe Review: Blue Buffalo Wilderness Chicken Recipe Canned Food

    The first ingredient in this Blue Buffalo Wilderness Chicken Recipe Canned Food is chicken, as promised, and it is followed by chicken broth and chicken liver. These ingredients are followed by the recipes primary source of carbohydrate potatoes. Not only are potatoes considered easily digestible by cats, but they are also gluten-free and grain-free. This ingredient is supplemented by flaxseed, a source of both dietary fiber and healthy fats. It is somewhat troubling, however, to see that the flaxseed is used as the sole source of fat in this recipe . Fat is a concentrated source of energy for cats and should be included in any balanced cat food product.

    The remaining ingredients in this recipe consist of flavors, thickeners, and supplements. Guar gum, for example, is a thickening agent frequently used in pet foods it can be used to add a significant amount of fiber to the food. Carrageenan is also included this ingredient also serves as a thickener and its biological safety has been called into question of late. In terms of supplements, this recipe includes a few chelated minerals which is good. Chelated minerals are mineral supplements that have been chemically bound to protein molecules which makes them easier for your cats body to digest and absorb. Still, natural sources for key nutrients would be more biologically valuable for your cat than the synthetic nutrient supplements used here.

    This :

    Blue Buffalo Wilderness Canned Cat Food Recipe Rating: 3.5/5 stars

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    Does Blue Buffalo Make Cats Sick

    In most cases, Blue Buffalo wont make cats sick. However, if your cat is allergic to some of the ingredients present in Blue Buffalo it may become sick just like with any other cat food. Some cats might show symptoms of allergy after consuming Blue buffalo cat food. It can indeed make a cat sick, but this is true not only for Blue buffalo cat food but any food that might not be nutritional or contains something that your cat might be allergic to.

    Cats allergic to Blue Buffalo might show symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, lethargy, change in coats appearance, skin inflammation, and others. Apart from this allergy, the FDA also listed Blue Buffalo as one of the 16 pet food brands that can potentially increase the risk of dilated cardiomyopathy .

    Is Blue Buffalo A Good Brand

    Blue Buffalo Wilderness Cat Food | Lynx Hunger

    The brand was formed back in 2002 by a gentleman called Bill Bishop. Before this he had attended school at Ohio Wesleyan University and then gone on to forge a career in retail products and advertising. It was after creating the drinks brand SoBe that Bill decided upon setting up Blue Buffalo . The company focused on manufacturing pet food that was made of completely natural ingredients , a trend that was becoming popular in the United States of America.

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    Blue Buffalo Cat Food Products

    Blue Buffalo has an impressive variety of pet food products for both cats and dogs. Blue Buffalos marketing focuses on natural, high-quality ingredients with a meat-first approach.

    It is worth noting that all the diets we are about to discuss have a mix of dry and wet foods. If you want to mix both, we suggest using products from the same product line. This is vital for prescribed veterinary diets.

    Here are some of the leading products that are available:

    Is Blue Buffalo Good For Cats

    Besides being extremely healthy for cats, meat offers another important benefit: Cats cant get enough of the stuff.

    Since Blue Buffalos recipes are packed with meat, most cats will wolf them down without hesitation. That makes them a good choice for persnickety felines whove turned their noses up at other foods.

    We cant guarantee that theyll like every recipe, of course, but Blue Buffalos emphasis on meat and its wide variety of foods means youre likely to find something that your cat will enjoy.

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    What Kinds Of Cat Food Does Blue Buffalo Offer

    All of Blue Buffalos follow a natural blueprint, but that doesnt mean there isnt plenty of variety. Blue Buffalo has six different cat food and kitten food lines.

    For dry cat food, there are the original BLUE, BLUE Freedom , BLUE Basics limited-ingredient foods, meat-rich BLUE Wilderness, and BLUE Natural Veterinary Diet, which is only available through veterinarians. Blue Buffalos newest dry food line for cats is Blue True Solutions which is designed to address specific health needs.

    Blue Buffalos wet cat foods are available in the same six product lines, including traditional cat foods, veterinary diets, and the new Blue True Solutions line of health-specific products.

    What Is Blue Buffalo Cat Food

    Blue Buffalo cat food is a brand that prides itself in being a small-batch pet food company. Thanks to its BLUE Life Formula, the brand is among the top-selling pet food in the country.

    The brand started in Wilson, Connecticut, in 2002 when Billy Bishop wanted to give a healthy diet to his nine-year-old Airedale terrier, Blue. In 2018, General Mills purchased the brand for an estimated value of eight million dollars.

    General Mills is the company behind some of the most popular brands in the US market, including Totinos, Pillsbury, Häagen-Dazs, and Cheerios.

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    Is Blue Wilderness A Good Cat Food

    Both the canned wet food and the dry food that the company produces are well reviews by experts and loved by cat owners. This is because their food is available in a range of great tasting flavors that even the most fussiest of cats will enjoy eating. With food products that have been specially formulated for kittens, adult and mature cats, Blue Buffalo Wilderness produce foods that are suitable for all shapes and sizes of cats regardless of how young or old they are.

    Which Blue Buffalo Products Would Be Suitable For Your Cat

    Blue Buffalos Blue Freedom line, Healthy Gourmet salmon pate, Blue Wilderness High Protein Dry Cat Food are some of the blue buffalo cat foods which have received positive reviews from customers.

    Since Blue Buffalo cat products do not contain grains, the Blue Freedom line could be a good alternative for cat breeds that are prone to grain allergies. It can also be given to cats who are sensitive to gluten or show gluten intolerance.

    Another product is the Blue Wilderness High Protein dry cat food which has all-natural ingredients and is a single source of animal protein. It is a gentle cat food that is very sensitive to a cats stomach and can be used for cats with food allergies.

    The Healthy Gourmet salmon pate could also be a suitable cat food for some breeds if it suits them. The price of this product is also quite economical.

    Other alternatives could be this brands wet foods and seafood options with lower carb content and macronutrient addition.

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Blue Buffalo Senior Cat Food

Nutro Wholesome Essentials Indoor Senior Farm

Blue Freedom Cat Food | Chewy

This calorie-controlled dry food is made from farm-raised chicken, but they use the whole chicken, including chicken meal. The resulting formula is pretty high in fat, but this should be offset by the fact it is fairly low in calories.

The formula also has a lot of fiber, which is especially good for cats that have a tendency to develop hairballs, which can become a bigger problem in old age. It is also fortified with additional calcium for strong bones and joints.

It does contain grains, so it is not ideal for cats that find this problematic, but it is also free from artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, and other nasty chemicals, so there should be nothing artificial that could irritate your cats immune system.


Hills Science Diet Adult 11+ Chicken Recipe Dry Senior Cat Food

Protein: 28.0% | Fat: 18.0% | Fiber: 3.5% | Moisture: 8.0%

This senior cat food formula from Hills Science Diet is one of the best cat foods for older cats available today, without a doubt. Hills recently revised their formula to better cater to the needs of older cats, and the response from the community looks to be excellent. Chicken remains the number one ingredient and is coupled with natural sources of vitamins and antioxidants to support your cat in its old age. Hills manufacturer their foods in the USA, with a focus on excellent ingredient quality. Their focus on delivering deliciously healthy senior cat food is reflected in opinions of the 95% of buyers on Chewy who would recommend this food. Hills Science Diet Adult 11+ Senior Dry review.

Who Is Blue Buffalos Target Audience

Blue Buffalo targets the same people that Wellness does. These two brands are competing with each other much more than they are with cheaper foods like Fancy Feast or more premium options like Orijen.

Their ideal customer is someone who walks into a pet store and asks for the best food they have. In many chain pet stores, both brands will often be in contention.

However, if you dig a little deeper on the internet or visit higher-end pet stores, youll find several foods that are much more nutritious than either Blue Buffalo or Wellness. Theyre just harder to find and much more expensive.

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What Other Users Are Saying About Blue Buffalo Cat Food

  • All About Cats As an economical dry food, this recipe is one of the better ones you can buy.
  • Cat Food Database Additionally, its worth noting that this product does not list either by-products nor bulk-adding fillers within its top ingredients together, their combined absence may be indicative of a higher-quality product.
  • Amazon As pet owners, we always double-check with Amazon reviews from buyers before we buy something. You can read these by clicking here.

Blue Buffalo Sensitive Stomach Chicken Recipe

Designed for cats that have trouble processing other foods, Blue Buffalo Sensitive Stomach Recipe has heavy amounts of rice and oatmeal, both of which are easy for most animals to tolerate.

It boasts a nice variety of animal sources too, as the ingredients list shows chicken, chicken meal, fish meal, and fish oil.

Despite that, it only has 32% protein, which is likely due to the rice and oatmeal pushing out the opportunity to add more meat. Its fairly high in salt as well.

You can feed your cat something different every night with the Blue Buffalo Healthy Gourmet Variety Pack. It has three different flavors inside, and regardless of which you choose, youll get a pâté thats soaked in gravy.

This makes it irresistible to most cats, while also adding plenty of moisture to their diets. In addition to the variety of meats, it includes high-quality plant options, like sweet potatoes.

  • Gums interfere with protein synthesis

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How To Feed An Older Cat With Bad Teeth

Now that you know what to feed your older cat, lets explore how to feed one with bad teeth. The main thing to think about when choosing a suitable cat food for your pet with bad teeth is how easy it will be for her to chew the food. Ideally, you should purchase cat food that is made in tiny chunks.

This will help your kitty chew the food more easily. Additionally, well-moisturized cat food will keep her hydrated, as older cats will drink less water than their younger counterparts.

Soft foods can only make dental concerns worse. Experts recommend feeding your senior cat with bad teeth smaller chunks of cat kibble instead of soft food.

Almost All Of Its Cat Food Is Grain

Grains are a controversial ingredient in cat food. The fact is, your cat doesnt need them at all, but some people argue that they offer important nutrients not found elsewhere.

What they can also do is trigger food allergies. Certain grains, like corn, can be extremely hard for a cat to digest, leading to vomiting, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal concerns.

Blue Buffalos cat foods are almost all grain-free . It works in some veggies, usually potatoes or peas, so your cat still gets those elusive plant nutrients, but its formulas are heavily meat-based.

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Blue Buffalo Wilderness Chicken Recipe

Blue Buffalo Wilderness is based around the type of diet that a cat would eat in the wild. It relies heavily on animal proteins, with chicken and chicken meal being the first two ingredients.

As a result, its relatively high in protein at 40%, and the chicken meal is full of internal organs, which gives your cat all the essential amino acids they need to function at their peak.

Its a bit low in fat at just 18%, and it has quite a few carbs, due to the heavy plant content. All in all, though, its one of the best dry kibbles in its price range.

  • More carbs than wed like to see

Senior Cat Food: Tips And Advice

BLUE for Cats by Blue Buffalo | Chewy

As you consider which food would work best for your senior cat, perhaps the most important factor is whether the food helps your cat maintain a consistent, healthy weight. It is vital that senior cats stay at a healthy weight, Miller says. At checkups, your family veterinarian will check your cats weight, muscle tone, and body condition to make sure theyre not too lean or too overweight. To maintain good health, senior cats should eat enough appropriate food to maintain their weight. If you notice a change in your senior cats weighteither an increase or decreaseor if they stop eating and using the litter box, see your veterinarian as soon as possible.

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Complete Blue Buffalo Recall List

Cause: Potential for elevated levels of naturally occurring beef thyroid hormone. Announcement: Company press release dated . What was recalled: Blue Wilderness Rocky Mountain Recipe Red Meat Dinner Wet Food for Adult Dogs, 12.5 oz. cans, UPC #840243101153, best by June 7, 2019.

Cause: Packaging quality. Announcement: PetSmart announcement dated Feb. 28, 2017 . What was recalled: The following Blue Buffalo dog food cups:

Cause: Possible metal contamination . Announcement: Company announcement dated . What was recalled: Blue Buffalo Homestyle Recipe Healthy Weight, Chicken Dinner With Garden Vegetables, 12.5 oz. can, UPC #8-40243-10017-0, best by Aug. 3, 2019.

May 2016

Cause: Possible mold. Announcement: News report dated May 31, 2016. What was recalled: 30 lb. bags of Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula Fish and Sweet Potato Recipe dog food, best by April 11, 2017.

Cause: Potential for salmonella. Announcement: FDA report dated Nov. 25, 2015 . What was recalled: One lot of Cub Size Wilderness Wild Chews Bones, best by Nov. 4, 2017.

Cause: May contain low levels of propylene glycol. Announcement: FDA report dated Nov. 6, 2015 . What was recalled: 2 oz. pouches of Blue Kitty Yums Tasty Chicken Recipe cat treats, best by either April 24 or July 24, 2016.

Cause: Potentially too much Vitamin D. Announcement: FDA report dated Oct. 8, 2010 . What was recalled: The following packages of Blue Buffalo dry dog food:

Blue Buffalo Freedom Indoor Recipe Grain

Like all cat foods from the Blue Buffalo brand, this canned cat food is made from high-quality meat, without meat by-products. It is also from a single source, rather than using a mix of animal meats. This can be easier to digest for cats with sensitive stomachs. For the same reason, the formula is grain-free and uses sweet potato as its main carbohydrate.

The resulting recipe is higher in calories and fat than many of the other food for seniors, so be careful about portion size. The formula also has a lot of added vitamins and minerals to ensure that your senior cat gets enough of them. It is particularly high in taurine, which is essential for your cats eye and heart health. Natural fiber from berries makes it highly digestible.


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Which Types Of Cats Is Blue Buffalo Best Suited For

It can charge more money because it targets owners who care about their pets nutrition, even if it means paying more to do so.

That being said, there are definitely better foods out there they just happen to be harder to find and more expensive. As a result, Blue Buffalo offers a good mix of high-end nutrition and convenience for pet owners who want the best for their cat but are unwilling or unable to spend too much time giving it to them.

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What Should Senior Cats Eat

While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for senior cat nutrition, Miller notes that the most important food consideration for a senior cat is managing a consistent weight, which can impact longevity, and keeping your cat hydrated. Aging can impair thirst drive. I typically recommend either transitioning to a moist diet or adding low salt broth, meat juices , or pet drinks, he says.

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Best Senior Cat Food For Older Cats

Updated: March 16, 2021 by Kristen Chapple

While I will always think of my cat as my little kitten, as she is now in her 13th year, I have had to accept that she is getting older! From about the age of 11, I noticed her slowing down and spending less time outdoors.

I also noticed that she was much fussier with her food and regurgitated her meals more often. I consulted my vet, and they told me that now that she is older, her nutritional needs have changed.

If you also have a senior cat and you are looking for the right food to keep them healthy and happy in their older years, fear not, I have done all the research, and found what I believe are the best senior cat foods for older cats.

To know which one is right for your cat will depend on their particular age issues. Read on to find out more about how cats nutritional needs change as they get older, and to find the right food for your senior cat.

But I prefer the Blue Buffalo recipe because it is made only with quality meat, and no meat meal or by-products, which naturally contains more of the nutrients that my cat needs. While I appreciate the way that cat food are enriched with extra nutrients, I want her to get as much of her nutrients as possible from natural sources.

This Review About Best Dry Cat Food For Senior Cats Helps To Know Blue Buffalo Indoor Best Dry Cat Food For Senior Cats How To Use And How To Make It As Well Your Cat Really Love It When He Tries This Food

Delightful, clear from wheat as well as nutrition wrapped. Again best grocery store best dry cat food for senior cats indeed, Blue Wilderness having created an absolute stand-out candidate. BLUE dry-cat diets are chilly-formed, which prevents thermal energy from being lost to either the materials. The same as what happened when high heat is used for cooking vegetables most of the other essential nutrients are lost. TRUE BLUE guarantees that perhaps the nutrition is extracted from pure, organic chicken rather than for any poor waste material-product.

It means you sound relaxed. Everything just guarantees always that there is no artificial taste or colors, nor grain, wheat including beans in the nutritional feed. Thats a simple list of names that makes everyone know whether they occur naturally, but also that they include both proteins, fats including amino acids. Greatest of everything, theres no grain, because you can pretty much guarantee that if someones cat has ever had any allergies to grain, individuals will eat this best dry cat food for senior cats beautifully safely.

Allegedly influenced by that of the lynx diet, this delicious best dry cat food for senior cats seems to be a wonderful combination of excellent quality, delicious ingredients but instead nutritional benefits. Everyones audiences are very much in agreement with each other.

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Is Blue Buffalo Good For Cats

Besides being extremely healthy for cats, meat offers another important benefit: Cats cant get enough of the stuff.

Since Blue Buffalos recipes are packed with meat, most cats will wolf them down without hesitation. That makes them a good choice for persnickety felines whove turned their noses up at other foods.

We cant guarantee that theyll like every recipe, of course, but Blue Buffalos emphasis on meat and its wide variety of foods means youre likely to find something that your cat will enjoy.

Blue Buffalo Healthy Aging Dry Senior Cat Food

Blue Buffalo Homestyle Recipe Natural Senior Wet Dog Food Review | Best Senior Dog Foods

Protein: 32.0% | Fat: 15.0% | Fiber: 5.0% | Moisture: 9.0%

Blue Buffalo has a history of creating affordable formulas that make no compromises in terms of ingredient quality. Their Healthy Aging formula features deboned chicken as the number one ingredient and boasts a 32.0% protein content and 15.0% fat content. Natural sources of fiber total up to 5.0% max, which is more than enough to keep your older cats digestive tract ticking over healthily. Blue seems to achieve incredibly value for money with each of their cat food formulas, and this senior cat food formula is no different. Its hard to find a cat food with such high-quality ingredients in this price range, so its no surprise they earn a spot on our list. Blue Buffalo Healthy Aging Dry Senior review.

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Blue Buffalo Cat Food

How much Blue Buffalo cat food does your cat need?

How much you feed your cat depends on what kind of Blue Buffalo product you use, the size of your cat, and the general amount of activity your cat does. A very general guideline would be that an indoor, relatively sedentary cat should eat 20 calories every day for each pound they weigh. A cat that is more active and spends time outdoors should aim for 35 calories for each pound they weigh. Keep in mind, dried and canned foods have different requirements. Also, kittens have different needs. Make sure you ask your vet how much food your kitten needs to make sure she is healthy and thriving.

Is Blue Buffalo cat food grain-free?

Blue Buffalo cat food includes grain-free brands such as the Freedom Natural Grain-Free Food, which doesn’t contain gluten. BLUE Wilderness also includes no grains or gluten. BLUE Basics is composed of limited ingredients, and most versions also don’t contain grain. The products also contain no corn, wheat, or soy.

What are the ingredients in Blue Buffalo cat food?

Blue Buffalo food includes grain-free brands such as the Freedom Natural Grain-Free Food, which doesn’t contain gluten. BLUE Wilderness also includes no grains. BLUE Basics is composed of limited ingredients, and most versions also don’t contain grain. The products also contain no corn, wheat, or soy.

What Blue Buffalo cat food special formulas are there?

  • Weight Management

Blue Buffalo Tastefuls Solved All Of My Picky Cats’ Eating Habits

As POPSUGAR editors, we independently select and write about stuff we love and think you’ll like too. If you buy a product we have recommended, we may receive affiliate commission, which in turn supports our work.

My cats are super cute, and also super picky about absolutely everything. They don’t like to sleep in pet beds, hate going underneath covers, need to have a very specific kind of litter, and will have a meltdown if you leave them home alone without the television on. Thankfully, though, through the years I have been able to figure out their little quirks and personalities pretty well. The area, however, that I still struggled with, until recently, involved wet food the food cats absolutely love, but only if you can find them a brand they will actually eat.

My cats’ relationship with wet food is a very complex one that kind of goes like this: I go to the pet store and see a wet food brand we haven’t tried yet, I bring it home and integrate this new food into their diet, they sniff at it confused, they take a few bites, and then they walk away. This pattern keeps happening until I finally give up and default into just giving them more of their dry food, which they like.

The cats patiently waiting for their Tastefuls.

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Best Self Cleaning Litter Box For Large Cats

Why Do We Need An Automatic Big Cat Litter Box

5 Best Automatic Self-Cleaning Litter Boxes (We Tested Them All)

The priority offered by automatic sandboxes is that the entire cleaning process is not done by you. Although you love your pet, annoying odors are usually a big problem when you use conventional boxes. Cats mostly adapt to automatic mechanisms, and it is safe for all cat sizes.

All automatic sandbox designs prevent the sandbox from leaving the box and spreading dust. Removing dust from your home from your to-do list is a huge necessity. All large cat owners need an automatic litter box to facilitate the cleaning process and odors.

One of the best advantages of using an automatic litter box is that you will not have contact with the poop. A large majority of automatic boxes use sands that completely absorb the bad smells of defecation. The advantages of using an automatic litter box are as follows:

  • Easy to use
  • You only have to remove the trays after several weeks.
  • Control of your cats bowel movements.

Where Is The Best Spot To Place A Litter Box

As a rule of thumb, cats dont like to have to litter boxes close to their food or water. Additionally, you need to make sure that you place the box in a clean area that doesnt have a lot of house traffic.

You should also give your cat a wide view of the room, which is easily achieved if you place the box in a corner. This way, the cat will feel the safest and will be more comfortable while using the box.

In the case of an electric litter box, you should also pay attention to the length of its electric cord and the position of the closest power outlet.

A Quick Comparison Of Our Favorites

Litter Type: Crystals

Our choice for the best overall self-cleaning litter box is the PetSafe ScoopFree Ultra. This ingenious litter box uses sensors to know when your cat uses it. Twenty minutes later, the rake comes to life and begins the process of disposing of your cats waste. The waste is raked into a closed compartment until you are ready to dispose of it properly. This litter box works well with both forever and disposable litter trays to help make your life easier all around. This automatic litter box also sifts and redistributes litter and helps you avoid scooping or raking your cats litter.

Litter Type: All

The Litter Maid Multi-Cat Litter Box is our pick for the best value when it comes to self-cleaning litter boxes for multiple cats. This box features an open design making it easy for larger-sized cats to use. Like other self-cleaning systems, this litter box activates a few minutes after your cat leaves the box. The waste is then raked into a tray where it waits until you remove it. Included carbon filters help keep unwanted odors at bay until you are ready to dispose of things. The high walls of this box design also help avoid additional clean-up. Youll also find this box is more affordable than many of the fully automatic self-cleaning products on the market.

Litter Type:
  • The motor may be too loud for some cats

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Best Foldable Litter Box: Dymoll Foldable Cat Litter Box

Last but certainly not least, we have a foldable cat box thats perfect for travel or those that live in small spaces. The Dymoll Foldable Cat Litter Box is one of the most innovative types on the market today, with a creative design meant to decrease litter tracking.

The box contains a two-way entrance, and one-way exit mechanism, which allows cats to enter via the front door but not depart through it instead, they must jump out the top. This allows for easy accessibility while also keeping litter from being carried away by your cat.

If the kitty box is occupied, your cats will be able to see through the clear door.

Although, because there is only space inside it for one cat at a time, this may not be suitable for you if you have obnoxious pets. Cleaning kitty litter is easier with the pull-out drawer design. Simply empty the box by pulling the tray out and discarding it in a trash can.

Top 5 Best Automatic And Self

Having a Litter Box for large cats is essential to keep spaces free. Pets are an important part of their owners lives, and they deserve to have all the best to be comfortable. Technology has come a long way, so you can have a litter box that is easy to clean.

Cats are the cutest and most adorable pets you can have in a home and are easy to feed. There are many breeds of cats that can be ideal for making your days full of special moments. Large breed cats require a litter box with more space to relieve themselves.

A well-educated cat knows exactly where to defecate, so you will have no problem training it and getting it to use it correctly. If you want to make your life more practical, you should choose to buy boxes that are automatic to facilitate the cleaning of these. You no longer have to worry about cleaning the litter box because the automatic ones have self-cleaning systems.

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Litter Robot And More: The Best Automatic Litter Boxes You Can Buy For Your Cat

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Tired of cleaning out the litter box? Try a self-cleaning litter box to give your cat nice, neat litter without having to scoop the box yourself. Check out our top picks to find the best automatic litter box for your family.

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Automatic litter boxes are a great solution for keeping your cat’s litter box clean and odorless without daily scooping. There are a number of options to choose from, including high-tech options like the Litter Robot that come with mobile apps to monitor usage. There are also more affordable options like the Omega Paw, with more basic cleaning features.

To help you find the right litter box for your cat and home, keep reading to see our top picks for the best automatic litter boxes.

Petsafe Scoopfree Original Automatic Cat Litter Box

Automatic self-cleaning litter boxes work with electricity. They have sensors that detect your cat and they can start a cleaning cycle by themselves. This is great because it means all waste is cleared away immediately. This prevents any nasty odors from escaping into your home and means the litter box is clean and ready for your next cat to use.

How it works: This litter box has an automatic rake system that moves back and forth along the tray to sift the poop in the litter. The rake starts sifting about 20 minutes after your cat has used the litter box, so the waste doesnt sit there for long. The waste is pushed into a closed compartment where it is kept until you empty it. There is a disposable tray slot underneath the litter box in which you insert the tray filled with litter. When renewing the litter, you just pull out the tray from its slot, cover it up with its lid, and throw it away along with the litter.

This litter box is used with its custom silica gel crystal litter, which has a few varieties. Id recommend the ScoopFree Sensitive Unscented Non-Clumping Crystal Cat Litter because it is unscented and dye-free. Plus, all versions of the ScoopFree litter are non-clumping and biodegradable. Since it is non-clumping silica, it just absorbs the urine so that there are no urine clumps. This might mean you have to switch to a new cat litter. However, make the change gradually and you shouldnt run into too many problems.


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Buyers Guide For Litter Box For Large Cats

There can be certain confusions that you can have regarding the litter boxes for your large cats. So to solve all of your confusion with the litter box for large cats, we have made this descriptive buyers guide. We have also mentioned how to choose the best litter box for your large cat so that you can get the most suitable litter box for your kitty.

Can Kittens Use The Litter

Best Self Cleaning Litter Box For Large Cats – Best Automatic Litter Box

The Litter-Robot senses when your cat enters and exits the globe, which triggers the countdown timer and cleaning cycle. Kittens and small cats that weigh less than 5 pounds may not be heavy enough to trigger the cat sensor. Therefore, kittens and small cats that weigh less than 5 pounds can use the Litter-Robot, but not in automatic mode. Until they weigh enough, we recommend using your Litter-Robot in “semi-automatic” mode to keep your cat safe and relieve you from litter box scooping. For “semi-automatic” mode, leave the Litter-Robot switched off or unplugged. When you see your cat has used it, wait about 7 minutes for the waste to clump, then turn it on/plug it in. The Litter-Robot will automatically perform a clean cycle . Afterward, turn it off/unplug it again. Continue this supervised, semi-automatic mode until your kittens have gained sufficient weight to activate the cat sensor.

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Will It Be Comfortable For My Cats

This is one of the most important questions you need to consider. After all, if cats dont like their litter boxes, they will refuse to use them. Self-cleaning litter boxes are supposed to make your life easier by giving you time back into your day. If your cats arent comfortable using the litter box, youll end up with a must larger task on your hands. Youll constantly be cleaning up pee and poop from around your home what a nightmare!

For a cat to find a litter box comfortable, it needs to hit three main criteria:

  • The litter box is the right size for your cats to use
  • The litter box is easy to access and use
  • The litter box is always kept clean and free from smells
  • The cleanliness of the litter box is already improved by using a self-cleaning litter box. However, points 1 and 2 depend on your individual situation. As a general rule, the size of the litter box should be at least 1.5x the length of your cat for them to comfortably be able to use it. On the other hand, ease of access varies depending on the age and health conditions of your cat. For example, seniors with mobility issues will struggle to use a top-entry litter box.

    As long as you keep these three things in check correct size, easy to access, and cleanliness most cats will comfortably use a self-cleaning litter box. With that said, in some cases, it may be difficult for cats to adjust to a new litter box, especially if its an automatic self-cleaning one.

    The Best Disposable Litter Box For Large Cats

    • Size: 17 x 13.5 x 3.5 inches

    If you are on the move or in between litter boxes, these disposable litter boxes are a great option. Although its the smallest product on this list and might be a tight squeeze for some big cats, it has a relatively spacious open-top design and is still 17 inches long.

    Made of recycled paper, these litter boxes may seem deceptively flimsy, but theyre actually leakproof, and one reviewer wrote that they are super thick and sturdy. The lack of a smooth interior doesnt much matter when you can easily dispose of the whole box when its dirty.You can use each one for up to about four weeks, according to the manufacturer but this pack comes with three disposable trays, which means each order can last up to 12 weeks.

    Positive Amazon review: Apparently my newly adopted Maine Coon/domestic long hair hates plastic/litterbox liners but loves to paw, scratch at and use these! Have only been using for a week, have one inside another litter box and one using alone. Using with arm and hammer litter, no leaks yet but in the future will get a mat to put under it just in case.

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    Petkit Pura X Automatic Litter Box

    The Petkit Pura X Automatic Litter Box has been released just recently and is now among the cat owners popular choices when it comes to automatic litter boxes due to its stylish design and compact size. This product can be controlled using the Petkit app which provides real-time notifications about your cats activity and also shows his or her weight! It also has an automatic odor removal feature to take care of the unpleasant smell after your cat has finished doing his or her business.

    Why Youll Love This Self Cleaning Cat Litter Box

    • xSecure: Thermal sensor, infrared sensor, weight sensor, anti-pinch infrared sensors, smart detection, remote alerts, accident protection system.
    • Antibacterial odor removal: Independently researched and developed purifying liquid removes unpleasant odors and formaldehyde, kill 99% of common harmful bacteria.
    • Special designed filter fits plant litters, bentonite litters, clay litters, and all other kinds of cat litters .

    What Type Of Litter Does The Petkit Pura X Require?Petkit recommends using Petkit everclean flushable cat litters. It does form clumps that can be scooped with a regular litter scoop, but they may not stay together as well as other plant, clay and bentonite litter clumps.


    • Uses IR sensors for cat detection
    • Cleaning cycle is quiet
    • Easy to set up, use and clean
    • User-friendly mobile app
    • Compatible with multiple cat litters


    After introducing so many Self Cleaning Litter Boxes, hope you can find your favorite now!

    Do I Need To Buy Custom Parts

    As I mentioned earlier, self-cleaning litter boxes are more expensive than plain and simple litter trays. Additionally, many require you to buy custom parts. This is an ongoing cost you need to consider before purchasing any product.

    Manual self-cleaning litter boxes typically dont require any special parts. However, some automatic ones do. Below are some examples:

    • Cleaning Solutions: The Cat Genie A.I.requires you to purchase a cartridge of its custom SaniSolution about every month, which is the special solution that washes its granules.
    • Disposable Litter Trays: The PetSafe Scoop-Free requires you to buy a custom disposable litter tray set every three months.
    • Custom Waste Liners: Some automatic litter boxes have custom liners for their waste receptacles, too. These often need to be replaced each time you enter the waste receptacle.

    If you are prepared to invest in these ongoing costs for the benefit of never having to scoop cat poop again, then go for it! But it is important to consider and weigh up all the costs before making a purchase not just the price of the litter box itself.

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    Petmate Giant Litter Pan

    Looking for a big litter box for cats? The Petmate Litter Pan is one of the largest litter boxes on our list. With the dimension of 34.7×19.8×10 inches, it can hold more than 30 pounds of litter. The giant size also makes it suitable for large cats or households with multiple cats. Moreover, with this capacity, you will also not need to refill the litter very frequently.

    This extra long litter box contains two side storage compartments for the convenient placing of scoops and disposal bags. A comfort-grip rim is also provided on all sides of the cat litter box, which allows you to lift and move the pan with ease.

    Key Features:

    • Type: Open Top Litter Tray
    • Litter capacity of 30 pounds

    This giant cat litter box features a wide base that prevents it from tipping and high walls for litter-free floors. It also features antimicrobial protection to help prevent the growth of stain & odor-causing bacteria.

    • Giant litter box can hold 30 pounds of the litter so that you do not have to change frequently
    • The wide base prevents the litter box from tipping
    • Two extra storage compartments were provided to store scoops and disposables
    • Not suitable for cats who spray high

    What Are The Types Of Self

    These are four different kinds of self-cleaning litter boxes present on the market. Heres everything there is to know about these machines and the mechanism they use!

    Scooping Rake

    These devices are very similar to a traditional litter box, but they come with an additional feature of a built-in automatic rake. This rake collects the clumps and deposits them into a waste compartment attached to the front of the box. This kind of scoping rake litter box suits most cats but is not ideal for large cats as it does not have enough room.


    A self-flushing mechanism is another fully automated feature of this cleaning litter box. The machine makes your work easy and not only collects all the waste but also disposes of it. This self-flushing litter box collects its clumps using a robotic arm-shaped component and deposits the feces inside a chamber. The chamber then pulverizes it with a sanitization process and gets rid of the liquid using a drain pipe. Even though these litter boxes are completely automatic, the cleaning cycle is noisy and can clog the system.

    Rotating Globe

    This kind of machine comes with a globe that holds the litter inside. When the time comes to self-clean it, the globe starts to rotate and sifts the clumps in a built-in screen. It then drops them in a waste compartment located at the bottom of the machine. These kinds of litter boxes are very effective, reliable, and do not require any daily supervision. However, they can be very expensive.


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Best Diet For Cats With Kidney Problems

Why Homemade Cat Food

Homemade Cat Food for Kidney Disease Diet (raw, easy, inexpensive)

Most commercial diets have the correct ratio of nutrients for animals of different species, ages, and nutritional requirements.

Crafting your own delectable cat food takes some planning and studyYouoisture) and protein (lWhen processing kibble in a quality cat food-type food. The food in a kibble-type diet for cats can lose nutritional value during processing, resulting in insufficient hydration.

Your cat is an obligate carnivore, like dogs, and requires nutrients to, Therefore, your Therefore, your cat will require amino acids such as EPA, CLA, GLA, LA, DHA, and Omega-3s.

These are all amino and fatty acids that can be found in meat. You may add a little oil from safflower, fish, chicken, or liver to your recipe to give it a little extra flavor.

Can Cats With Kidney Disease Eat Chicken

Yes. It is not about the specific ingredients in their food but the overall phosphorus, sodium, and protein amounts. Many suitable foods may be including chicken as the primary protein but are formulated to keep protein levels low. You should not feed your cat cooked or raw chicken, though. Chicken is just made of protein, which is the last thing a cat with kidney disease needs extra of.

Are Eggs Good For Cats With Kidney Disease

In moderation. Eggs may be added to include extra nutrients, as they are very nutrient-dense. They are also low in phosphorus, which can make them a suitable choice.

However, the eggs need to be combined with other foods to ensure the diet is low in protein overall. Eggs are pretty protein-rich, so your cat should not be given plain eggs. If its in a formulated diet, thats okay, as other foods have offset their protein content. Its the whole diet that matters, not necessarily the specific ingredients.

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Bundle: Blue Buffalo Natural Veterinary Diet K+m Kidney + Mobility Support Dry + Canned Cat Food

Hills Science chicken and brown rice recipe is formulated to support heart, kidneys and bladder. As its not a prescription diet you wont need authorization from your vet.

However, if you suspect your cat is showing signs of kidney disease you must consult your vet. While this recipe may help support your cats kidneys it may not be suitable for advanced CKD.

Youll be pleased to hear only natural ingredients are used in Hills chicken and brown rice recipe, and contains no corn, wheat or soy. These are often used as cheap fillers, though still provide roughage.

Hills Contains omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids which help support heart and kidneys. In addition, vitamin E is also added to promote healthy skin and coat.

Although too much vitamin E can cause harm by building up in your cats body, small amounts are ok. This is often why its a good idea to get advice first just in case.

Key Features

No corn, wheat or soy fillers

Contains omega 3 and 6

Added vitamins to support your cats immune system

Vitamin E to promote healthy skin and coat

Contains essential taurine for heart health

Made in the USA

Average rating 4.4 out of 5

You can buy Hills Science Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe Dry Cat Food here

Bundle: Blue Buffalo Natural Veterinary Diet K+M Kidney + Mobility Support Dry + Canned Cat Food

Blue Buffalo only use pure natural ingredients in their kidney and mobility support cat food. In addition, theres no wheat, corn or soy fillers.

Key Features

Can Dehydration Cause Kidney Failure In Cats

Due to their low thirst drive , cats usually drink little water during the day. While they may be dehydrated, they wont feel thirsty. Therefore, our feline companions depend on food for water.

Wet food contains more water than dry food and is more similar to what kitties would dine on naturally. Extra moisture encourages better bladder and kidney health in cats, whereas prolonged dehydration can lead to irritation in the urinary tract and potentially lead to kidney disease.

Have a cat that prefers dry food? Sprinkle some water on the food to encourage them to drink more. This way, they get the benefits of wet food without actually switching meals. For advice geared to your cat’s circumstances, our vets can offer nutritional consulting services, and develop a custom dietary plan to fulfill your cat’s needs.

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What Can I Feed My Cat With Early Kidney Disease

If your cat has recently been diagnosed with kidney disease in its early stages, your vet is the right person to make the best recommendation regarding your cats condition. Canned over-the-counter kidney care cat foods can be good options, as canned wet food contain large amounts of water compared to other dry food alternatives.

At the same time, if you are ready to cook, homemade recipes can be helpful. Its better to avoid raw chicken and stick with only cooked homemade cat food instead.

The Importance Of Low Phosphorus

Cats on a high phosphorous diet have been observed to have more severe levels of kidney inflammation and deterioration. The kidneys filter phosphorus from the blood, so when the kidneys are damaged, the levels of phosphorus in the blood can rise to dangerous levels, eventually combining with the calcium in the blood. These elements combining can damage the kidneys even further by forming mineral deposits in the soft tissue surrounding the organs, a process known as mineralisation.

Certain meats are naturally high in phosphorus so are best avoided. Organ meats such as chicken liver, sardines, lentils, brewers yeast, and cereals are all high in phosphorus, so pet foods containing these ingredients should not be fed to a cat with CKD.

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How Much Raw Food For Cats

Every pet is different when it comes to feeding. Pay attention to your cats body weight and if you notice them gaining or losing weight consult your holistic vet or contact us directly. Weve broken down the feeding guidelines from kittens to senior cats before, but you want to base their feeding on their ideal body weight. We always advise checking with your holistic vet before switching your cat with kidney disease to a new diet.

Blue Buffalo Freedom Indoor Adult Chicken Recipe Canned Food

RENAL CAT FOODS REVIEW | Taste-tested wet diets for CKD cats feeding method

If youre looking for a complete and balanced diet for your cat that will help him recover from kidney disease, this Blue Buffalo Freedom Indoor Adult Chicken Recipe Canned Food is a good option. It is made with only the freshest, natural ingredients including real animal protein, grain-free carbohydrates, and fresh fruits and vegetables. It is moisture-rich with moderate protein and plenty of omega fatty acids. It also contains chelated minerals and vitamin supplements to ensure complete and balanced nutrition. This recipe also contains supplemental fiber for digestion and hairball prevention.

  • Pros: Formulated for indoor cats, moderate protein, plenty of omega fatty acids, chelated minerals, fresh fruits, and vegetables, rich in moisture and fiber
  • Cons: Not specifically designed for kidney support, contains carrageenan, no probiotics

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Could The Renal Failure Have Been Diagnosed Earlier

Unfortunately, this is very difficult as neither clinical signs of renal failure, nor rises in BUN and creatinine are evident until significant loss of kidney function has occurred. In earlier stages of disease, there are no clinical signs to indicate that sophisticated renal function tests, which can pick up early renal damage, are required. We recommend that all senior pets have at least annual blood chemistry profiles, including BUN and creatinine, and a urinalysis to diagnose kidney disease at its earliest detectable level. A low urine specific gravity may indicate that at least two-thirds of the kidney tissues are damaged. An inappropriately low urine specific gravity is often the first sign seen.

Blue Natural Veterinary Diet K+m Kidney + Mobility Support Dry Cat Food

  • Made with chicken flavor
  • 7 lbs of dry cat food

Supplements for cats with kidney disease are a major concern, and this food gives such exact proteins in a good ratio. In addition, Blue Buffalos food keeps cats at home healthy with a good immune system. Blue Buffalo urinary cat food arrives in a pack of 7 lbs and serves us for a long time. If at all your pet love the flavor of food, do not miss getting this big bag as it will not go to waste. Basic flavor which we observed on its label is chicken. This, as we have noticed, is the most suitable taste for all cats, generally. While choosing a kidney diet for cats, one should take utmost care as kidneys should function properly to keep a cat active and healthy throughout the day.

Levels of phosphorus and sodium present in Blue Buffalos diet in a controlled manner will give good renal health for all furry mates. Taste included in the pack will indeed grab the attention of all felines, making them lick their lips, eager to consume it anytime and anywhere. Eagerness all felines showed in eating this food proved to us that they love its flavor and taste. We also found that the diet included is wholesome and natural, much to our delight. Besides, customers are happy to express their content as their pussies mobility increased with sufficient levels of energy to roam around their houses.

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Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Renal Support E

Because cats with kidney disease tend to lose weight, Royal Canin has formulated this low-phosphorus pâté in gel to be as tasty and enticing as possible. In addition to the pâté, Royal Canin makes other renal support formulas including D and T , and its worth experimenting to see if your cat prefers one over the others. Prescription required.

Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Renal Support E

This highly appealing pâté in gel can be combined with any of Royal Canins non-prescription food or offered on its own.

Available in both dry and wet forms, this veterinary diet is a nutritious low-phosphorus and low-sodium food for cats. The Blue Buffalo brand focuses on preservative-free natural ingredients. Prescription required.

Blue Buffalo Natural Veterinary Diet Kidney and Mobility Support for Cats

This preservative-free formula is available in both dry and wet forms.

Regardless Of Treatment Ckd Cannot Be Reversed And In The Majority Of Patients Will Develop Over Time

While some cats may need early intravenous fluid therapy to rectify dehydration , once stable, treatment is directed at maintaining renal function and minimizing ckd sequelae. It is also low in phosphorus and sodium, which is essential for cats with kidney disease. Supports immune system functionality against kidney issues in cats.

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How Do We Make Our Recommendations

Your cat has unique nutritional needs different from a dog or another animals. Cats are obligate carnivores which means that they have a biological requirement for a high-protein diet. In the wild, cats only consume plant matter in the stomach contents of their prey. Based on the natural diet of cats, we only recommend cat foods that contain real animal proteins and healthy fats with limited carbohydrate content. We look for a high-quality animal protein as the first ingredient and never recommend products that are too carbohydrate-heavy. Complete and balanced nutrition is essential as well, so we also look for recipes fortified with essential vitamins and minerals.

Here are some of the requirements for a cat food to receive our recommendation:

  • A source of high-quality animal protein as the first ingredient
  • At least 30% crude protein for kittens and at least 26% for adults
  • A minimum of 9% crude fat for kittens and adults
  • A balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, primarily from animal sources
  • A rich blend of nutrients from natural sources and supplements, as needed
  • Limited carbohydrate content from digestible sources
  • No low-quality fillers, by-products, or artificial additives

Best Cat Food For Kidney Disease: Reviews And Top Guide

Updated: February 22, 2021 by Kristen Chapple

Kidney disease is very common in cats, and it can develop rather quickly from something such as infection or antifreeze toxicity.

Once your cat is diagnosed or shows signs of kidney disease, using the right food can help to ease the burden on its kidneys while ensuring she remains healthy and strong.

However, selecting the right food for cats with kidney disease can be challenging because of the large selections in the market. But we are here to lend a hand.

We went out there and picked up the best cat food for kidney disease, and reviewed them. Keep reading to discover the best foods that can help to keep your cat healthier.

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Keep It Low In Phosphorus And Sodium

As your cat’s kidney workload begins to decline, phosphorus is one of the substances which won’t be easily filtered out from the bloodstream. If this substance is allowed to build up over time, it can cause a range of negative side effects for your cat, causing them to feel ill and worsening kidney function.

The best way to counteract the effects of phosphorus in the bloodstream is to reduce the amount you give your cat in their diet. Usually, the best prescription cat foods will come with lower levels of phosphorus and sodium. Sodium is important to minimize because it can increase blood pressure and make kidney damage worse.

Taste Of The Wild Rocky Mountain Grain

Easy raw and homemade diets for your CKD cat

Most Popular Cat Food for Kidney Disease: Choosing a brand of cat food can be difficult, especially since there are so many options to choose from. If youre not sure where to start, you can always go with a popular brand like Taste of the Wild. This brand is known for using premium animal proteins that are loaded with natural flavor in recipes that are complete and balanced. This Rocky Mountain recipe is a canned food which means higher moisture content and improved palatability for your cat. It contains real animal proteins like salmon, chicken, and roasted venison with high-quality natural ingredients like peas, tomatoes, and blueberries. This recipe contains a blend of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids as well for healthy skin and coat as well as anti-inflammatory benefits. Overall, it is rich in nutrition, natural flavor, and moisture.

  • Pros: Real animal proteins, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, high-quality natural ingredients, complete and balanced, rich in moisture and natural flavor, chelated mineral supplements
  • Cons: May be too high in fiber or starch for some cats

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What Food Is Best For Dogs With Kidney Disease

Some of the best foods for dogs with kidney disease are brown rice and lean protein sources. Remember that dogs with the renal disease need less protein, phosphorus, and sodium than their healthy counterparts. As such, always opt for lean protein, and dont go overboard with it. Dont give your dog with renal disease pig ears, real bones, antlers, bully sticks, jerky treats, or rawhides. These are all high in protein and phosphorus.

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Best Cat Food For Kidney Disease Reviews

Heres a detailed look at my recoomended cat foods for kidney disease. You will need authorization from your vet before purchasing, but this is a good thing.

While you can buy prescription diets from the vet theyre usually more expensive. However, its always good to get advice on the type of food most suited to your cats needs.

Read Also: Iams High Protein Cat Food Reviews

Meat Types And Sources

As discussed above, I use chicken, turkey, and rabbit.

  • The poultry is purchased from Whole Foods Market and is antibiotic-free but is not organic due to the cost. I use chicken or turkey thighs with bone and skin.

I also purchase chicken livers at WFM or another local grocery store.

  • The rabbit is sourced from and I purchase the extra fine double ground product. This product, which includes the meat, bones and organs , arrives frozen in 3 lbs flat bags which are easy to store in the freezer.

This product does not have to be re-ground.

Note that each rabbit comes with its own liver so no extra liver needs to be purchased.

For people on the east coast, a rabbit supplier is 640-3582. I have no idea how finely this company grinds their food but it is not as fine as the product mentioned above. That said, I have never received any complaints from readers stating that their cats have had problems with any of Hare-Todays products.

Side note: Of course there are other issues involved with commercially-raised meat besides antibiotics such as the diet they are fed, how humanely they are raised, etc., but that is outside the scope of this webpage.

Raw fish should never be fed in large amounts because it contains thiaminase which will lead to a thiamine deficiency in the cat but I dont feed any fish to my cats for many reasons, some of which are:

  • possible link to hyperthyroidism,

Weruva Truluxe Steak Frites Low Phosphorus Cat Food

Weruva Truluxe Steak Frites is not a veterinary kidney disease formula, but it is low in phosphorus and sodium. If your cat is turning up their nose at some of the other low-phosphorus foods, this could be a good choice to keep them interested in eating. Check with your vet to make sure theyre OK with feeding it to a cat with early-stage renal disease. No prescription needed.

Weruva Truluxe Steak Frites Low Phosphorus Cat Food

This non-prescription beef and pumpkin recipe is low in phosphorus and sodium.

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